View Full Version : Archives question

10-08-2007, 02:41 AM
Hey people, got a simple/stupid question.

I used to have "happy hacker", a book, and it explained how to find archieves from sites/forums. How do you do this? (I can''t find me book! :mad: )

An example of what I'm talking about: Lets say a forum deleted posts in August of this year. How do you get these off of the net? I have done it before, but be damned if i can remember how to do it now! If my memory serves me right, everything posted in forums is recorded, and even after deletion, there is a way to bring up each month and day to retrieve that infromation.

If I'm not clear, I am sorry. I just don't know how to explain it lol. Yep, I'm a new to all of this.

Thanks, and great site! Only had to ask a few questions, and you all seemed very helpfull. Thanks again.

10-08-2007, 12:51 PM
Hey people, got a simple/stupid question.

I used to have "happy hacker", a book, and it explained how to find archieves from sites/forums. How do you do this? (I can''t find me book! :mad: )

From what I've heard, that book is total garbage.

An example of what I'm talking about: Lets say a forum deleted posts in August of this year. How do you get these off of the net? I have done it before, but be damned if i can remember how to do it now! If my memory serves me right, everything posted in forums is recorded, and even after deletion, there is a way to bring up each month and day to retrieve that infromation.

If I'm not clear, I am sorry. I just don't know how to explain it lol. Yep, I'm a new to all of this.

Thanks, and great site! Only had to ask a few questions, and you all seemed very helpfull. Thanks again.

When a thread or post is deleted by a moderator (such as myself), it isn't permanently deleted. All deleted threads or posts appear "greyed-out", and we can view them or resurrect them if we wish to.

Regular users can't see deleted threads or posts, apart from their own (I think).

Not quite sure what you're trying to achieve, so I'll offer several solutions:

Select "from the beginning" in the list-box at the bottom of an individual forum, such as the one we're posting in now: Internet Privacy. This will show all threads from the day the forum was installed, rather than being truncated to one week, one month or whatever.

This (http://www.all-nettools.com/forum/archive/index.php/) is the archive/lo-fi version of this forum, but the same rules apply as before -- you can't view deleted posts or theads.

Look through 'snapshots' of pages on any specified day on sites like www.archive.org, and you could view a deleted thread/post before it was deleted. Alternatives to this include using the "cached link" on search engines, which provides a version of a page from whenever it was last cached.

10-08-2007, 04:46 PM
Wayback machineeee
