View Full Version : more prorat help lol im such a n00b

10-20-2007, 07:12 PM
ok so ive finnaly got prorat figured out. but when i have connected to a computer it wont let me do anything. i cant view systym info or do anything. it just gives me this error message:

"you can only make process with the prorat client by using the prorat server port if you cant make any process please check your server port and try again"

idk what this means or what to do about it. the "victim" had open port 44* so my first instinct was to connect using that port so i did and it worked. but then it gave me the error message. when it did i assumed it meant port 5**0 so i dissconected and reconected this time using port 5**0 but it still didnt work. plz help!!!
:confused: :confused: :confused:

EDIT: Nvm i figured it out, i really am a noob