View Full Version : Steam Question

11-21-2007, 06:42 PM
One of my friends is giving me a steam account filled with multiple unbanned games. I have one of my own accounts already and have bought and paid for Counter Strike *.6 which i have loaded onto my account. My friends account does not have Counter Strike *.6. When ever I got onto my friends account, it just shows Counter Strike *.6 and in the next column it states "Pre-loaded *00%", even when it says "*00% Ready" on my account(the origional account). So what I wanted to know was, would it be possible if i were to uninstall Counter Strike *.6 and then re-install it through my friends steam account, would it show up as "*00% Ready"?

11-22-2007, 09:40 AM
Although I have little experience with Steam, I would imagine that would work. None of us are Steam experts really, you'd be better off asking other gamers.

11-22-2007, 07:38 PM
Thats good :) , i guess ill try it then.