View Full Version : Hacking: When To Do vs. When To Avoid It

12-01-2007, 12:03 AM
O.k., attention, all hackers. Hacking should not be preformed unless there is a good reason to do it. One, eventually the government will catch you, and two, there are better ways to solve problems. For example, if you just took any random software test, and can hack your friends account for fun, don't do it. You will loose friends, and your ex-friends may start rumors about you, or blabber on the cops. On the other hand, if a b***h is putting up innapropriate info or pictures about you, feel free to take a try at his or her myspace or facebook or whatever. THAT SON OF A B***H JUST HACKED ME!!! OMG I'M GONNA TELL THE F***ING COPS TO BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA HIM!!! :)

12-01-2007, 12:24 AM
All a**holes interested in spamming get the f**k out of this thread you are not welcome!!! Go to hell, spammers!!! -A note from the anti spamming club.

12-01-2007, 02:09 PM
I'd much rather go for someone's personal info and give it to identity theieves. Nothing says revenge more than a negative balance in a **** account. :D

12-05-2007, 12:53 AM
-A note from the anti spamming club.

How would one go about joining this club? I hope there are no membership fees.

12-05-2007, 08:14 PM
How would one go about joining this club? I hope there are no membership fees.

I'd pay a few bucks to get into the club, wouldn't you?

12-08-2007, 02:31 AM
I thought you didn't have a few bucks?

If you're gonna steal, steal from other thieves so karma isn't tipped negatively and you don't disturb the space-time continuum. Or, start dealing safe, non-addictive drugs. It's not actually a bad thing to do in my sense of morality, and the government can't take A QUARTER OF YOUR FUCKING WAGES TO FUND SOME IMMIGRANT JOBLESS SLACKER!

Seriously, I could point you in the direction of where to buy certain popular drugs then sell them for >*0000&#*7; profit.

12-08-2007, 12:24 PM
I thought you didn't have a few bucks?
In my post, I said "I'd pay" as in, "I would pay" if I had any cash.

Oh, and dealing doesn't appeal to me. I don't exactly want to get into an industry where >*0% of the people are tougher than me and will probably do God knows what to take my stash.

And plus, most of that trade is controlled by the blacks/mexicans at my school. I'm smart enough not to encroach on their territory.