View Full Version : The Key To Happiness
12-18-2007, 08:15 PM
I'll skip the clutter. The key to happiness is limits. Whether self-imposed or imposed upon you by an authority figure, being limited in what you are able to do is the reason we get so much joy when we are actually able to do those things.
If you are given free reign over what you can or can't do, you will soon find the things you are able to do so much of have lost their appeal.
So if you want to be happy, either muster up some self-control and impose limits upon yourself, or get someone to do it for you. I guarantee you will be happy.
12-19-2007, 01:57 PM
This is a very good post. I look at it like this. The most important thing/person in your life is your self, without your self you wouldnt be here.
This mabey be diffrent for everybody but for me "the key to happiness" is what i do. I look at my life that i will have fun everyday until the day i will not be here anymore.
This dosent mean i sit around all day and do nothing. I have fun doing things like workingout, being with friends, working on making my self better,schoolwork...ect... yes it may sound crazy but you know that feeling of accomplishment you get after you do something and its very rewarding?Just one thing you need to remmber is "your rights end when anothers begin". Meaning you can do whatever you want but not you shouldnt at the expence of other people.
I also have fun hanging out with my freinds and family. Ive realized that **.*% of my fun comes from family and friends. You may be saying that all im doing is being entertained, basically taking but not giving. I dont do that i belive that its better to give than to take. Im a very firm believer in Karma so if i give alot i feel better and it makes me confident that future things in life will be better for me. Anybody with confidence in there life automatical makes there life better from my point of view. What im trying to convey is that "the key to happiness" can come from otheres but you shoudlnt rely on them you should try to find it within yourself.
Yes everybody has bad days when they need people to help them and thats when karma comes in hand.(btw karma is when you belive that if you do good things they will be returned to you in good ways, and same for bad things).
Finnaly the "key to happiness" for me is improving on my life and doing good things for other people. I just want to say im not trying to change anybody. Im simply trying to explain to you what I do and i have just one more things to say. Dont think that you can be happy everyday. happy is just a feeling that you get, like being cut by a knife its a feeling, is it a bad feeling? thats a matter of opinion. so everybody should have a little of everything i think. You need change in your life.
12-19-2007, 04:06 PM
*Drinks 2L 7.5&#*7; cider and smokes weed out his window*
I'm pretty happy now, but it will go soon like all things. Happiness is just certain neurotransmitters firing in our brain to reward us, and can be induced by real situations or drugs. On my ending day of school, I chose the latter ;).
12-19-2007, 04:55 PM
I agree with all * friends, family, alcohol, drugs and rock and roll are the key to happines. i also belive in karma cuz karma is everybody and it doesn´t matter what religion you are cuz every religion has something like karma if you do good things, good things will happen to u and its the same with all bad thing and what´s best with the limits is breaking then sometimes it´s diferrent every time only thing you have to remember is not to abuse with drugs cuz they will destroy you.
12-19-2007, 05:51 PM
As for family and friends, hang around them long enough and you'll want alone tiime, right? So that can't be it. If they were the key to happiness, we'd want them around forever, but there are times when we don't want to be around family, friends, or both.
As for drugs, too much of thsoe and you'll go kaput, so end of story there.
Like I said, you have to limit everything in order to be happy.
12-19-2007, 06:32 PM
Apart from family and drugs i think that things that require a good effort to make it happen also give you happiness, it can be something for your school,work or maybe for a girl, so probably the correct answer is the one of the neurotransmitters that´s why drugs are popular and a good reason to surf deep into my mind:D
Drugs and alcohol are not Happiness,
You are looking for Happiness, is the spirit HE .
If some people have suffered concern went quickly to the abuse of alcohol, drugs and discotheque imagining whom they will find happiness :(
Unfortunately, however, will not find happiness,BecauseThey went to His Excellency eye and the mind and to authorize only
But will receive HE permanently in the spirit when the Muslim worship God
I am happy to pray and read the Koran because I am a Muslim :)
12-19-2007, 06:58 PM
Islam = a religion
Islam, like most religions, set guidelines and regulations you need to follow. Guidelines and regulations are pretty much limits, except that religion dictates that the one who is practicing the religon must set these limits upon himself, rather than an authority figure do it for him.
Like I said, limits are everything to happiness.
I saw the video on Bint of America was a Christian but entered in Islam because she felt happy with Islam
I am also happy with my family and friends and people
The Girl Peace
12-24-2007, 04:40 AM
l am with jode
the muslim if he taking his reast or busy in his life problim is happy ^_^
becuse his feel god with his
we are happy every time ^_^
we have agreat book it's the holy QURAAN
if u try the islam
u'r happy forever ,
12-25-2007, 02:39 PM
Islam = a religion
Islam, like most religions, set guidelines and regulations you need to follow. Guidelines and regulations are pretty much limits, except that religion dictates that the one who is practicing the religon must set these limits upon himself, rather than an authority figure do it for him.
Like I said, limits are everything to happiness.
I am agree with u but do u know want ?
if u are muslim u won't feel same feeling cus u 'll change ur life to the best
u don't have to follow guidelines and regulations ...cos ur heart and ur sense
automatic follow this religion .
what do u want to be ?
like animals...
my God Create u , u have to worshiping him and loves him cus he loves u
when he Create u in his earth...
10-23-2008, 03:55 AM
You've all raised some valid points and have to agree with most. To me the sum of all our efforts is DONK. If you had a film of the entirety of a person's life and you watch it on fast-forward there is a lot of whizzing around from one place to another, a general accumulation of wealth (current economic issues aside) and happiness with an eventual DONK. DONK by the way is when we drop down dead :) lol It happens to all of us. Life is short. I live by a philosophy 'everything in moderation'. Without a little sadness we would not fully appreciate happiness. Without a little str***le we would not appreciate the rewards. What's it all for? I have no idea. Welcome to the party ;)
Thanks for reading and remember: be good to each other!
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