View Full Version : calling all mods
12-21-2007, 08:28 PM
ok so im at school and this kid comes up 2 me and says "hey man my friend needs your help with his web page that he made" so i was like ok whuts up and he said" well my friend CREATED his own web page all by himself and he wants to kno how to find a virus that he thinks someone put on it" i told him that his friend wa a complete boob because if u have the skill to completely make a full working webpage all from scratch by yourself then you should have enough knoledge to find a freakin virses thatt is encrypted into your webpage am i wrong on that or do you think he really needs the help because i dont honestly think that he could have made a webpage if he doesnt even kno how to find a virus
whut does everyone think ??? is his friend a boob or not??? :confused:
12-22-2007, 09:46 AM
Daniel's post x2 :D
But maybe someone backdoored his coding to include a shell?
12-26-2007, 07:57 AM
Someone put a virus on his webpage?
That sounds completely logical.
12-26-2007, 12:05 PM
d00d liek rly we n**d antyd0te
12-26-2007, 01:48 PM
ok so im at school and this kid comes up 2 me and says "hey man my friend needs your help with his web page that he made" so i was like ok whuts up and he said" well my friend CREATED his own web page all by himself and he wants to kno how to find a virus that he thinks someone put on it" i told him that his friend wa a complete boob because if u have the skill to completely make a full working webpage all from scratch by yourself then you should have enough knoledge to find a freakin virses thatt is encrypted into your webpage am i wrong on that or do you think he really needs the help because i dont honestly think that he could have made a webpage if he doesnt even kno how to find a virus
whut does everyone think ??? is his friend a boob or not??? :confused:
You are a *2 yr old dip shit. Do this site a favor and get the hell out.
12-26-2007, 10:38 PM
my point is that if he can make a friggin' webpage(note the punctuation after friggin') that he should be able 2 fix it himself or at least look up how to do it !!!!!!!!!
and btw im *7 and this isnt school or a job or ne thing so punctuation doesn't really matter ass....
get over your god complex and stop thinking that just because someone isnt u that they are stupid or whatever
this forum isnt just for amazing people like u its a PUBLIC forum which means open 2 everyone who either knows a lot about this like you or someone like me who is learning
12-27-2007, 12:07 PM
As for your friend having a "virus" on his webpage, I couldn't tell you unless I looked at the source code.
12-27-2007, 04:57 PM
if he really has the codes for the webpage then i can probly get it but i still think he is full of shit because if you can find the code then he shoul;d be able 2 since he wrote it supposedly
Yes, if he made the page he should know completely whats going on. He should also have a working backup, but I'm guessing this is on yahoo or something. So that person would probably have to guess his login and password. I'm not going to go into more details. A "virus" cannot go on a webpage. There is probably some mistake in what your saying. There are things like XSS and script exploits and stuff like that. Both of which will not show up in source code. But you never said what was going on so I don't know. I am guessing he went to like a guestbook and entered some html like <font size=72>YOUR GAY</font> and said it was a virus.
12-29-2007, 01:42 AM
lol yea see thats whut im thinkinig here lol i think he is full of shit and is just trying 2 look kool... it pisses me off because there are people like the ones here that actually do computer programming and everything else and they dont go out everyday and brag about it
It is possible to create a link within a web page to a virus or other malware and have it download and execute automatically IF no firewall or anti-malware detects and defeats it, which is unlikely if firewall and anti-virus software is up to date.
If a virus were actually able to reside inside an ordinary HTML web page, it would be visible by listing the page source code - but you can't code a virus in HTML - only link to one.
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