View Full Version : need help
12-17-2002, 01:17 AM
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of site from my Internet Explore tool bar? Thanks in advance.
go to internet options+general+use blank
Regards Data.
12-22-2002, 03:48 AM
That's cute and can be embarrasing if your girl/boy friend/sig other happens to turn on your computer...."what the hell is this honey"?...any way....with java and active script DISabled the chances of an erotic web site takeing over your home page are ruduced. Be sure to dissable "I FRAMES " in your advanced IE permissions. Take a look at AD-AWARE. This program removes spyware. The site explaines this in's also free :)
I forget the URL but you can find it with a Google search. Opera is also a wonderful browser and very easy to configure security wise. My copy of Opera has never hung or crashed...Ie on the other hand...
On a side note I installed AD-AWARE on my friend's computer and it was chalk full of "sex *****er" spy ware....I told him to get a girlfriend :)
Have fun and a very good day!
Sigkim ( :)NT)
12-25-2002, 10:06 AM
Unfortunately AdAware has not been updated since September and cannot catch many problems
Another free tool out there is SpybotSD which will catch most of these problems and Hijackthis which will show exploits that may have not been *****ed down yet.
For SpybotSD:
For HijackThis:
You are encouraged to run the Updates button on SpybotSD located under the Online heading after installing so that you get the latest information into the program to catch the latest exploits that are being detected.
Merry Christmas to all
Coyote~ Tom Wilson
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