View Full Version : stolen email account!

12-26-2007, 02:48 PM
ok, i have a problem, someone stole my email ccount by answering the security question, i cant get it back becaue the question was changed and the alternative email was changed too. is there a way to find out who did it, i do know who it was but i dont have any proof. is there a way to get the persons IP address and contact the ISP?
i am also receiving racist messages and i woudl like to put an end to it, please help.

i would also appreciate if someone explained how proxy works and is there a way to have it at home, without using another computer, is there a "public" one and hwo it woudl help with internet security woudl it help to hide my details, i am afraid that the perosn might have installed a keylogger on my computer too.

12-27-2007, 02:14 PM

i have had many email accounts stolen in the past and have stolen a few myself to!
if u know who stole it log into an im conversation with them and send them a file
while the file is being sent open up command prompt. type in netmask<lansoft>retrieve and alist of i.p will appear filter until u find his send it to me by email with the code :*28*567 next to it!

i will reply wid ur email and password back to u if u give me ur email:) :)

my email is darkdestroyer*0*2@**********

good luck plz email me


12-27-2007, 02:20 PM
if any of u hav limewire can i hav ur i.p so we can share stuff i have tonnes of cool programs!:)



12-28-2007, 12:48 PM
Please tell me you didn't reply to that joker. You question is so common of new people to computer/internet its not funny. People see questions like yours and immediately take advantage of them. Excited to trick someone that knows less then what they do. The answer to your question is there is nothing you can do but create a new email address and scan your computer. No one can help you because we don't own the company hosting your email address and even if we did we probably couldn't help anyway. To much time has been wasted on this already.

12-30-2007, 09:15 AM
Please tell me you didn't reply to that joker. You question is so common of new people to computer/internet its not funny. People see questions like yours and immediately take advantage of them. Excited to trick someone that knows less then what they do. The answer to your question is there is nothing you can do but create a new email address and scan your computer. No one can help you because we don't own the company hosting your email address and even if we did we probably couldn't help anyway. To much time has been wasted on this already.

nope, i never give my ip address to anyone.
and i thought of reporting the person but i do realise that they wont do anythign cause its a very common problem and they are only free addresses, anyway thanks for help.