View Full Version : IP Connecting

01-28-2008, 11:34 PM
Well, I've been doing a few researches.
I still can't let go of the fact that you can hack with only someone's IP.

Well, I have two computers at home.
I used my COMP* to port scan COMP2.

I found one open port,
and tried to connect to it.
I was 'forcefully rejected.'

I found another port, and connected to it.
I got:
-ERR AVG POP* Proxy Server: Cannot connect to the mail server!
Connection Closed."

So I quit AVG and tried again to the same port.
Same problem.

I connected to another port.
I was successfully connected.

The program I used was 'Net Tools 5'
Under Start-Network Tools-Connection Analysator and protector
When you start it up,
it says:
Port Connecter and data transfer

My question is:
Does anyone know what to do after connecting to the computer?

01-29-2008, 01:02 PM
I remember having the same problem when I started getting into computers. But the one thing you have to remember is your guess is as good as most. It depends on what port your connecting to and what service is running on that port. Every port that is listening has a program attached to it to receive input. Ex. ftp server accepts HELO, DATA, etc. commands. You can look up services that commonly run on certain port and find out what input they will accept other than that theres not a lot you can do.

02-03-2008, 05:21 AM
well, i s***est that you read "HackNotes : Linux and Unix Security Portable Reference".
The book has a lot information about scanning, identification and enumeration.

Sir Grifin
02-03-2008, 10:11 AM
thats right as this guy say, if you have linux you can use a tool named nmap, to scan ports on the net. another powerfull tool its SSH, security shell, if you know the ip adress you can conect via telnet or for some another port...

.....# ssh (username)@(ip adress) enter
this is of course if you have a local net, then when you type this its going to ask you for a pass word and then you can conect to the pc, on console mode, but by this way you can do a lot of things with some simple commands like shutdown, reeboot or things like that...

to make a conection with another computer, just read a little of ssh, on internet, google it like this

man ssh

a lot of information comes from about remote conections ok?