View Full Version : Covering your *****s.
03-03-2003, 01:45 PM
When you surf the the web, we all know that we leave *****s on our computers such as where we have been and so forth. These *****s are stored in the Temporary Internet Files, History, The Swap File, Index.Dat files, Cookies, Free Space on your drive, The Recycle Bin, Within sections of the Registry, Etc. My question is this......when you play a CD-Rom on your computer, where do the *****s go? I don't beleave when you delete something from a CD-Rom it goes into the Temporary Internet Files, Recycle Bin, Etc. Am I wrong?
03-09-2003, 05:06 PM
are you a dumb-ass? CD-ROM = compact disc - read ONLY memory! you can't delete shit off a cd, so i would it go in the recycle bin in the first place? it's made to READ!!
03-09-2003, 05:10 PM
mispelled "So i would" to "so why would"
03-10-2003, 11:37 AM
Am I a Dumbass? First of all asshole, learn how to fucking write an email correctly without fucking up your shit and for your information, I HAVE deleted something off of a fucking CD-Rom.
03-10-2003, 12:11 PM
dear fellows
I have been on this ***rd for sometime, i am exactly like you all, a simple user ( not an admin or moderator or anything else.. )
I drop an eye from time to time just to try to learn, to help eventually and have some fun seeing old bodies..
It breaks my heart to read this level of agressiveness that refelects a certain state of mind which is not very much appreciated.
I leave it up to you to handle it as civilized people.
thank you for your understanding.
03-10-2003, 03:30 PM
I am sorry to the person that was offended by my reply. The guy that asked if I was a dumb ass is obviously not a very intelligent individual and it made me mad when I read it. Again, I am sorry if this offends anyone (except of course, the person that it was intended for) but I just got a little pissed for a minute there. No big deal. It's all good. If he had bothered to actually pay attention to my message in the first place then he would have noticed that I had stated that I DO NOT beleave that the deleted information goes into the Recycle Bin! What is this dude talking about?? I just feel bad for stooping down to his level. I normally do not act like that. Stupid people just have a way of getting to me. Later...
04-07-2003, 10:18 AM
there is no ***** of a CD it's like a hard drive or removable...
*unless you've got a catalog program running*...I could be
missing something here though ;)
what happened to our admin OTTO and mod Mr.Byte.
I never beleive that this forum came up to their expections.When they set it up may be they were looking for a forum of highly proffesional people who knows and can write utils like commview and digisecter and other software products.Still this forum is up-pls do maintain it well.We still are a community as long as this forum is here.
04-29-2003, 06:05 PM
why do you all dis each other?
when big bro impliments ipv6 our privacy and freedom of speech will be gone.............
make the most of it now while you can
your freindly hacker
"when big bro impliments ipv6 our privacy and freedom of speech will be gone............. "
NOt when MAC spoofers are around.
Regards Data.
05-01-2003, 10:17 AM
A brief introduction to IPv4
IPv4 is the current system in use that assigns IP addresses to a system, every machine connected directly to the Internet has a unique IP(v4) address. An IP address is displayed in human readable decimal form as, where each section can store decimal 255 or Hex FF (8 bits). This means an IPv4 address is *2bits long, allowing 42*4*672*6 (2*2) unique values. The current population of the world as estimated by the United Nations, stands at approximately 6 billion, with the global population increasing by approximately 7* million a year. Although every person in the world does not currently use the Internet, this number is much higher than the amount of addressable IPv4 addresses. In fact, unallocated IPv4 addresses are in short supply, according to the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) IPv4 addresses will be exhausted by 2008 (±* years).
Fortunately methods for getting around the IPv4 problem have been designed. NAT (Network Address Translation) allows N machines on a private network to share one public IP address. In such a setup the private network machine would request data from the Internet; the NAT would translate the users local IP address into a public IP address and add information regarding the source of the request. When the reply comes back from the Internet the NAT machine sends this information back to the private machine. This means machines on the private side of the NAT cannot truly communicate bi-directionally with machines on the Internet as the private machines IP address is not valid on the public network. This severely limits what that machine can do, for example, that machine would not be able to fully participate on a distributed network such as GnuTella, as it would not be able to act as the server part of the system. Setting up file transfer on applications such as MSN Messenger also becomes a problem as direct connections between machines cannot be established, especially if both machines trying to communicate are behind NAT gateways.
A brief introduction to IPv6
The problems mentioned in the introduction to IPv4 didnt go unnoticed within the Internet community. In ***2 the IETF began efforts to find a next generation protocol for the Internet. Two years of proposals later, SIPP (Simple Internet Protocol Plus) was adopted and in ***5 it was named Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). An IPv6 address is displayed in human readable hexadecimal form as ****:****:****:****:****:****:****:****, where each divided bit can have a maximum decimal store of 655*5 or Hex FFFF (*6 bits). This means an IPv6 address is *28bits long, allowing *.4x*0*8 (2*28) unique values. If the address space of IPv4 is compared to * millimetre, the address space of IPv6 would be 80 times the diameter of the galactic system(WIDE0*). There are many additional features of IPv6, including support for IPSec, a Cluster Address field which identifies topological regions and source routing which controls routing in a more precise way (IPv4 currently requires significant routing overhead).
Users of Win XP, Start a command prompt window and type
"ipv6 install" without the quotes of course
After a short period of time your machine will be IPv6 enabled. You can check this by typing ipconfig at the command prompt.
take care
07-28-2003, 09:54 PM
when big bro impliments ipv6 our privacy and freedom of speech will be gone.............
Can someone please explain this statement to me? I agree that privacy and freedoms are being eroded on a daily basis, but how does IPv6 add to this?
07-29-2003, 04:33 AM
Originally posted by dss_chick
Can someone please explain this statement to me? I agree that privacy and freedoms are being eroded on a daily basis, but how does IPv6 add to this?
For starters, IPv6 has much, much larger address space. This allows for permanent assignment of unique addresses to every piece of networking equipment. Now, these days every person owns a number of devices that either are already connected to the Net, or will be connected really soon. If you have means to identify a person and his/her belongings with unique addresses, this makes it so much easier to ***** this person and what s/he does, where s/he goes, etc etc.
Krazy Hawaiian
07-30-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by fEš·.·šEr
dear fellows
I have been on this ***rd for sometime, i am exactly like you all, a simple user ( not an admin or moderator or anything else.. )
I drop an eye from time to time just to try to learn, to help eventually and have some fun seeing old bodies..
It breaks my heart to read this level of agressiveness that refelects a certain state of mind which is not very much appreciated.
I leave it up to you to handle it as civilized people.
thank you for your understanding.
Well put Fever, I'm a Mod at a Forum with *8,000+ members. and I go through this many times a day deleting and editing the half inteligent posts that seem to have valid content.
The Forum is a web site for car and motorcycle enthuiasts. And to be honest it's pretty shocking how the young people "attempt" to communicate. Every 6th word is a four letter word, or a crude remark about someone's mother or father who aren't even involved or even present!
So many misspelled words, half of the time you have to guess at just what there trying to say...
As to Privacy, that's a thing of the past if you ask me. Almost every network computer thats connected with a ethernet card has a ****ble "unique" number called a MAC address. It's a little harder to determine from the outside but can be done with out much effort. I recall sometime ago at Astalaviste's Security Site there was a section on the site that had a "test" where you clicked a button and almost instantly more than you ever imagained started coming up on the browser page including my MAC address and I'm behind a hardware firewall (router) but I'm not too security consious as I open ports to play a game on-line or run a ftp, Kazaa, DC++ any maner of thing and forget and leave them open all the time LOL.
I don't worry about anyone accessing my pc theres nothing in it worth anything, the way I look at it is hey if they want it let me know and I'll burn it on a CD for ya LOL. If they delete or wipe a drive so what, I'm as likely to do it my self so I keep a Image of it so I can replace the OS in less than *0 minutes back to ***** clean install with all drivers ready for my next misshap LOL..
The thing I'm wondering about though is the wireless networks that are popping up everywhere it seems.
I was at a friends house that is a Town House arrangement where 6 homes are built into one big unit. I was fooling around with his new Sony Laptop and in a matter of maybe *0 minutes I was inside his neighbors computer that had all his stocks, ****ing info you name it wide open!! That was really a suprise, this was in a ultra wealthy high dollar community (I live in Honolulu) and I told the guy that lived there he ought tell the guy to take some precautions. He told me that its like that alot! Something about there being 6 or 7 wireless routers (5 Linksys and 2 other cheap units) Which I don't think is the reason, rather its the users themselves. But it got me thinking, there's so many foolish people like that, and more and more people connecting via there cell phones too, I would imagiane the wireless network isn't all that secure.
I never gotten into any of that yet so I'm in the dark regarding wireless lans.
That scene reminds me of several years ago when I first got hooked up with Dial up Networking and showed a friend how many comps around my neighborhood that would show up! I wonder if the wireless will turn out like that.... Criuse aroung the neighborhood and learn all about your neighbors LOL :)
U still can use mac spoofers.
07-31-2003, 09:18 AM
Hi Data,
Originally posted by DATA
what happened to our admin OTTO and mod Mr.Byte.
I never beleive that this forum came up to their expections.When they set it up may be they were looking for a forum of highly proffesional people who knows and can write utils like commview and digisecter and other software products.Still this forum is up-pls do maintain it well.We still are a community as long as this forum is here.
I'm sorry we haven't showed up for so long -- for different reasons. Now we're back, and the owners of this site have big plans (new content, new design, etc.). Of course, this forum will be there, and moderated better. Mike (aka mbravo) is a new forum administrator, so fell free to contact him whenever you need. And let me tell you, I appriciate that people like you didn't let this site die when it was ... kind of abandoned:-)
07-31-2003, 09:26 AM
Hello Krazy Hawaiian!
Check your router's Administrator-level settings. You should be able to assign it a WAN MAC address of your choice. Also, be sure to flash it for the most updated firmware.
Take care,
~ Piexa :)
07-31-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by DATA
U still can use mac spoofers.
..and here's the link if you wish to give a try..
scroll till the end of the page then download..
Thanks for the compliment Mr Byte.
Hm...Thats a windows spoofer
here is a *nix mac spoofer as well :-).
Regards Data.
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