View Full Version : Best way to keylogg a game account?
Ok now my mission is to send a file so that will logg the account and passwords for the game Diablo II Lord of Destruction of the people who download the file. Mainly I just want to send this to a kid who is my friend / was whatever you want to say, but he took my account, and I want to get it back. I have about $*5 I can invest in this and want to do it the best way.
I plan on buying the $7 version of spytector or w/e it is would this be enough? Also is it easy to send? Do I just drag the .exe into a zip file? And if they open the zip it will auto install on their comp?
06-26-2008, 07:45 AM
I plan on buying the $7 version of spytector or w/e it is would this be enough? Also is it easy to send? Do I just drag the .exe into a zip file? And if they open the zip it will auto install on their comp?
Spytector is a good choice.To send it,just email, no need to zip it. Look at the help link at the spytector site
I cant e-mail it as I do not know the persons e-mail.
I want to host it on a site for the person to download a hack for diablo II LoD, and with the hack program they also get keylogged
Whats the best way to pull thsi off
06-26-2008, 05:26 PM
use an exe or filebinder to bind both together into one. Both will run when executed.try
So it will run when ever the zip file is opened?
06-27-2008, 11:38 AM
Withe Perfect Keylogger thats exactally how it worked.. i cant comment on this one.. but i guess so.
06-28-2008, 07:11 AM
So it will run when ever the zip file is opened?
No, if you zip it, it will need to be unzipped, then executed (double clicked). But you don't need to zip it unless the recipients email doesn't allow executables.
Let me say exactly what I want to do.
My "victim" will in no way accept an e-mail from me nor will I be able to get his e-mail.
So I want to host the logger on a site so he can download it, but obviously he won't just download a keylogger, so I will put it inside a file such as this one.*244**702/MMHack.rar
So do I just put the keylogger in the .zip and when he extracts the program it will install? or must I somehow make the keylogger attatched to the programs .exe so when he clicks on that for it to work it installs?
06-28-2008, 04:57 PM
You'd have to get him to click on the EXE that has the keylogger joined to it. This would execute both the program and the keylogger on the computer.
Yea thats what I want to do. My question is how do I join the key logger with the program .exe and also would the key logger be visible in the file? Or disappear when you join the two together.
06-29-2008, 06:56 AM
As I posted earlier, an exe file binder will do that. Both will execute, with the keylogger hidden. is a good one.
06-29-2008, 09:53 PM
yes, but their output will all be detected by malware scanners
what about in .dlls? If I combine the two files the spytector keylogger and the .dll (which is a modification to the game) when they run the game will the spytector keylogger install on the other users computer?
example this program*247*8*58/Gmys_AutoT.rar.html
Also when I use spytector all i have to do is put my e-mail where I want the logs sent, and select some options I want, and then use a file binder to put the keylogger into the file, and then whenever the user clicks on the .exe of the program it will install?
But will it work with .dlls when the game is run?
Sorry I just dont want to buy spytector then realize its not what I was looking for
Also what are malware scanners? Online scanners?
07-02-2008, 07:09 AM Thats the official version. I lump virus scanners into that also.
File binders do work with dll's.
I mean would the spytector keylogger run if I put it in a .dll? And then the user launches the game, and the game uses the .dll to modify something?
07-03-2008, 08:12 AM
With a file binder, you don't put one inside the other,you bind two or more files together. They can be pic video text or dll or exe.... The output is an exe file that contains the other files. All inside will execute when the container file is double clicked. Downloadand try the trial versions even though they will trigger your virus scanner, and you may need to disable it.
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