View Full Version : I desperately need to gain access to my former band's myspace account PLEASE READ

07-14-2008, 11:22 PM
I am in the process of filing a lawsuit against my former band, on the grounds that they "lost" my $*000 guitar amp, among a few other expensive items, damaged the rest of my music gear, by putting it in the alley behind our practice space in the pouring rain, have spread horrible lies about me all over the internet, damaging my reputation and greatly reducing business at my recording studio.

I know for a fact that they purposely stole my guitar amp, and intend to sell it to someone who doesn't care it was stolen, and that lives far from our area.

If I can uncover proof that they stole it themselves, rather than going with their story of it getting stolen after they put it it in the alley in the rain with the rest of my stuff, I can actually press criminal charges, on top of having a much greater chance of winning the lawsuit.

I NEED to gain access to their myspace account. This is the best chance I have to find solid proof of what they did. Nobody with first hand knowledge of their actions is willing to testify against them, so this very well might be my only chance.
Is anyone out there able to point me in the right direction, or able to do it themselves? I will compensate if necessary.

07-15-2008, 06:37 AM
I'd like to remind you that in most jurisdictions, evidence that is collected illegally will be discarded in court. So not only are you asking people to help you to do something that is illegal, but you're also wasting your time. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you, but I'd s***est that you think twice before going ahead.

07-15-2008, 04:42 PM
[On the record]
Yeah, I have to agree with MrByte. You need to get the police involved and get a court order to snoop through the band's MySpace account. If you don't, that evidence will be thrown out, and you'll probably be put in jail.

[Off the record]
If I was in a band and they had stolen my amp, and damaged my other equipment and my reputation, I'd probably beat one of them up. I'd bust the lead singer's vocal chords. But I don't advise you to do this.

07-16-2008, 08:08 PM
Well, I was just going to go on the grounds that I guessed or remembered the password. Myspace is not considered to be unaccessible, search-warrant-required private property, especially when I once had access, and was never told to stay out.

I have the police involved, but unless there is proof of them taking it themselves, I can not press charges. And, if the police gain access to their myspace now, they probably deleted all the messages relating to it because as of last night, the police have been in contact with members of the band.

If I am to find anything this way, my time is quickly running out. An ex band member gaining information related to the theft of his instruments, from the myspace account of the band responsible for its loss, would most likely not be thrown out in civil or criminal court, especially in this jurisdiction.