View Full Version : Hackers

04-16-2003, 07:40 PM
I have got a home computer with DSL connection and a firewall that shows my IP address. I want to be open as I am a law-obedient citizen. My computer has registered a number of hackerīs attempts to run my
computer (they have not succeeded to sign in, as they have not guessed the usernames and so on). Nobody would care to steal the data on my home computer. Do
I have to anonymize more to keep my nice computer OK?

04-17-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Lissu
I have got a home computer with DSL connection and a firewall that shows my IP address. I want to be open as I am a law-obedient citizen. My computer has registered a number of hackerīs attempts to run my
computer (they have not succeeded to sign in, as they have not guessed the usernames and so on). Nobody would care to steal the data on my home computer. Do
I have to anonymize more to keep my nice computer OK?
Yes, Lissu, you have to hide the fact that you are an ordinary citizen and nobody cares if you watch porn in the net and nobody cares if you have written some secret poems with your home computer and listen to some silly music with your computer.