View Full Version : simple code for opening file several time
12-21-2008, 10:54 AM
Hellow :) :) :)
How to create a bat file which can be opened automatically several times???
Actually it is script of 4 or 5 lines written in not pad and save it in ".bat" add this file in system start up i.e this file will run every time when your PC starts.
i know how to do this but dont know what is that script.
in other words my task is to open the same (any) file several times actomatically when PC starts up by using any method. please help me.
12-21-2008, 11:26 AM
Look up more on batch files. is a great site to learn about creating batch files and using them.
If you want to learn how to add programs to Windows startup routine, go here -*/47/
12-27-2008, 08:46 PM
my tut shows how to do this, you might wanna look for it =P
12-30-2008, 05:59 AM
It seems like every reply given these days is just a link you can find in two seconds of googling.
We need to stop doing this and go back to saying "just google it" if we don't know enough to give an original tutorial. That way we might get some original, interesting discussion back.
The same goes for the OP. Let's keep threads for original discussion and let everyone do their googling on their own.
12-30-2008, 11:56 AM
It seems like every reply given these days is just a link you can find in two seconds of googling.
We need to stop doing this and go back to saying "just google it" if we don't know enough to give an original tutorial. That way we might get some original, interesting discussion back.
The same goes for the OP. Let's keep threads for original discussion and let everyone do their googling on their own.
Telling people to "Just Google It" won't promote any discussion at all. It'll just make people angry and they'll come back here and post stuff like "dude wtf i already googled *00x just shut up if ucant help!"
The thing is, no matter what we do, the fact remains that most users that come here have one or two questions and then leave. The few who stay around get tired of the lack of other active users (honestly, we have less than *0 active users here). They also get tired of the retardation generally associated with most of the questions and requests made here. We need more people who are willing to stay and help, and at the same time know enough knowledge to be willing to help. I've advertised in my sigs and stuff on other forums.
Also, I'm pretty sure OP isn't even coming around here anymore to read the rest of this thread.
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