View Full Version : invalid code error 800b0*00

03-26-2009, 11:04 AM
can some one please help me I am installing xp home on my pc dell demension 4700,2.80 mhz.5*2 mb. I get the error code at ** minutes left in windows set up.while installing from cd lots of files were not able to be copied,I have them all written down,I have been going at this for * days now,cannot fix problem nor do I know how to,,,please some one any s***estions?is there something I can do or is this a lost cause,,I have installed win xp same cd on another pc no error messages everything loaded,but on this pc no go...thanks In advance Cece

03-26-2009, 04:46 PM
Google brought me right back to all-nettools. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla%*Aen-US%*Aofficial&hs=dKH&q=xp+installation+error%2Binvalid+code+error+800b0*00&btnG=Search

It seems that error usually happens whjen upgrading or when a new harddrive has been installed. Did you try a full nfts format before installing? Wish I could help more.

03-26-2009, 09:10 PM
before you try to install it again try to find a good drive scrubber that should wipe your hard drive and if you still get the error message when reinstalling even after you have wiped it clean then have someone check out your hard drive.

04-11-2009, 02:12 PM
Hold on, just let me check my mental database of every single error message on XP... Nope, we're gonna need more information.