View Full Version : msn hack and Bluetooth hack

07-29-2009, 01:25 PM
Hi guys,

Im in desperate need of help here :-(

I have a gutt feeling that the spouse is cheating, cacthes her in different lies etc and no she is starting to get very secret about various stuff.

I know if i confront her i will get no answer og the answer no, u must be mad. Known her a lifetime, and know how she normally is.

I NEED PROOF, to confront her and the only ways i can do that is by hacking her msn or mobile :-(, in not proud of this but i have no choice.

A PI is too expensive for me at this moment(have contacted one)

Alot is at stake her, please help(here og pm)

The truth will hurt you for a while, but not knowing will kill you slowly :-(

07-29-2009, 04:15 PM
Check to see phone compatibility http://www.phone-spying.com/
For the computer go to eblaster.com

07-29-2009, 05:43 PM
Gordo, thanx.

I will try to look at eblaster

The phonespy thing i need to get the phone to install it on, and she watches it like a hawk :-(

07-29-2009, 07:01 PM
Unfortunately, i did not work for me.

Any other s***estions??, both programs needs me to access her pc or phone(new pass on the pc and the phone she almost sleeps with).

I need something to get in at her phone and pc without having direct access, cause of her precautions. Like a working Bluetooth hack or something, and a way to hack her msn code.

Im desperate here, and its killing me not knowing WTF theres going on.

07-30-2009, 06:45 AM
For the phone, sorry. For the computer, a remote install keylogger like spytector.com will work.
Try to log onto the computer by booting in safe mode and try the admin account, that works for xp