View Full Version : if i try to creat prorat server, it says my ip is local.. please look!
08-09-2009, 06:57 PM
hey.. im having trouble with this for days.. first, the prorblem was that when i tested my server it said the info cant be delivered.. i used no-ip and fixed this problem but now, it says my ip is local.. and i cant receive any information unless its in my local community.. oh and i tried to portforward but i didnt know the external and internal ports so i couldnt portforward it ..
oh and just a question.. does portforwarding fix the not delivering error message and no-ip fix the local ip thing? or does no-ip fix the not delivering error and the portforwarding fix the local ip thing?
ps i use *.*se prorat and i use router
08-09-2009, 08:23 PM
Here is a good site for you.*&highlight=prorat+tutorial
08-10-2009, 01:13 AM
Here is a good site for you.*&highlight=prorat+tutorial
thanks for your reply but do i need to use no-ip and portforward too? oh and for no-ip for the host name, i wrote ssd0*04 and it appears ssd0* and do i only write ssd0*04 or ssd0* on the proconnective ip thing
08-10-2009, 01:43 AM
hey gordo thanks a lot again for the prorat download site and tutorial site.. i did what it said and i entered the no-ip into the proconnective part wher it says ip(dns)adress..because that's what it said there and i tested it and it said the the message cannot be delievered.. as you know im using a router is that the problem?
08-10-2009, 06:44 AM
Use no-ip when you have a dynamic ip address (one that changes). When you update through your no-ip client, it re-directs your servers to you.
If you use a router, you need to forward the port(s). Use to look up your router. Check your forwarded ports at with the client running.
08-10-2009, 01:40 PM
so i have to forward my ports but i dont know the external and internal ports of the prorat could you tell me what it is? and what ports i have to forward? thanks
08-10-2009, 03:58 PM
The port is the same port that you entered into the settings when you made the server. Read the tutorial again.*&highlight=prorat+tutorial
08-10-2009, 11:37 PM
ok.. gordo.. im really stressed.. oh and thank you again for every one of your answers.. and ignore the replies above..
ok so i forwarded port 5**0 and i checked if it worked and the program said i portforwarded it correctly and that it was working.. but prorat still says the message cant be delievered even though i did what the tutorial said and i portforwarded my ip.
And one more.. so the ip in the duc(no-ip) shows is 70.70.**.xx but, when i go to portforwarding page, it automatically starts with **2.*68.*.xxx so i cant really put the ip 70.70.** there so i portforwarded **2.*68.*.xxx(my real ip)
i created no-ip server for 70.70.**.xx as the tutorial you showed me said ( it said just leave the ip as it is) but it still isnt working and im not sure which one is my real ip.. i think its the **2.*68 thing is because my computer said it was.. what part did i do wrong? should i have written **2.*68 ip in duc instead of 70.70?
08-11-2009, 06:17 AM
**2.*68.**** is your local ip address. That is entered into your router when you forward the port. The 70.70.*** is your external ip address. That is the one your isp gives you. The external ip address doesn't matter for port forwarding. When you open your no-ip client, it updates to your external ip address automatically. You did create a no-ip account with a name? For instance sse*0** That is what you enter when you create your server. Then, when your server connects to sse*0** it re-directs to your current external ip address.
08-11-2009, 03:06 PM
thANK YOU FOR YOUR ANSWER SO I DID IT CORRECT. I PORTFORWARDED MY REAL IP *68... AND I MADE NO-IP WITH MY EXTERNAL IP ADRESS 70.70....(and i wrote my no ip adress as you said in prorat ip(dns) server box..) SO I DID IT RIGHT BUT HOW COME when i test it it says the message cant be delivered even though i wrote my no-ip adress ssd0* in to the box and i also portforwarded my ports? WOULD IT STILL WORK EVEN THOUGH THE MESSAGE CANT BE DELIVERED?oh and i portforwarded the port 5**0 is it the right port?(just checking) thanks gordo i would pay you if i like actaully met you!
08-12-2009, 07:00 AM
5**0 is the default port. A few things to try when testing...
*.turn off security software virus scanner/firewall/windows defender/adaware etc
2.test your open port at
*. make sure your rat client is running when checking.
Thanks, Idon't need any pay, but you may donate to all-netools if you like.
08-12-2009, 06:16 PM
so i tried what you said and the website said Error: I could not see your service on 70.70.**.xx on port (5**0)
Reason: Connection timed out
i turned on my no-ip and i turned prorat.when i checked it said the error.. oh and i visited the tutorial page you told me and i realized that the test doesnt have to say it should be working,, at the very bottom where the guy answers the questions.. so i will try if it works and if it doesnt,i will ask for your help again! thanks for your help!A lot!
PS! SO IN THE IP ADRESS BOX IN PRORAT, IF MY HOST NAME WAS sse*0**, do i write sse*0** in the box or just sse*0**?
08-12-2009, 08:44 PM
sse*0** should be the correct one.
If can't see your service, then the port forwarding is not working.
From command prompt, type in ipconfig and hit enter. Under ip address you will see something like **2.*68.0.*0* or similar. That is the ip address you enter into the router. That will also be the address you want when making your static local ip address.
08-12-2009, 10:26 PM
gordo the canyouseeme says my ports are open. and i put the no-ip adress which is sse*0** in the box.. but it still says the message cant be delivered.. is that okay? like it said on the tutorial page you told me?
08-13-2009, 06:36 AM
Your ports are forwarded correctly, so it should work. test the server on yourself, but be sure you know how to uninstall it. good luck
08-13-2009, 10:46 PM
i tried to infect myself by double clicking on my server but it says it was disconnected.. i also tried to remove the server with an option that i can remove the server.. but when i clicked it, it says i wasn;t infected.. is that because im vista?im not using firewall.. im not using anti virus..i dont know what happened.. is that because im behind a router? i tried reverse connection(even though im not what the heck it is..
ps by the way when i click the server it just disappears
08-14-2009, 02:01 AM
hey gordo i tried to instal the server myself but when i double click it it just disappears and the prorat says it cant connect to my ip.. also when i tried to uninstall the server, the prorat said i'm not infected.. so i think im not infected by clicking the server.. what's the problem?
08-14-2009, 07:22 AM
You really need to read the tutorials again. A few things to note.
*. There are 2 types of rats direct connection and reverse connection. With reverse connection, the server connects back to you using your no-ip dns service. It will bypass the router of the other computer the server is installed on. With direct connection, you connect to the server. But, if your "********", the one the server is installed on, has a router, you cannot connect. Use reverse connection.
2. If you use reverse connect and YOU have a router, YOU need to forward the ports.
*. When testing the server on your self, be sure you know how to uninstall it before you test.
4 Make sure windows defender orwindows firewall or similar is not running. Some virus scanners like AVG & avira free versions are difficult to turn totally off.
5. Try a different rat like poison ivy or bifrost if you can't get prorat to work.
08-14-2009, 01:45 PM
hey if you would like to recommend me a hacking program other than prorat, what would you recommend? and could you recommened me a site to download the program like the tutorial site you told me?thank you... i would like the program that tells the ip like prorat but in different way even though im behind a router. thanks
08-15-2009, 07:31 AM
My kaspersky says this is a phishing site, but it isn't.
Go to the other site I gave you for tutorials.
08-16-2009, 12:51 AM
gordo i started using poison ivy and is dns the ip?and i dont know where to get the port of my computer..oh and do i have to portforward the ports of poison ivy if im behind a router?(what's the ports of poison ivy?)oh and what's key file?and could you tell me what boxes to check and what boxes not to check? i read the tutorial in the folder but there were a lot of things i didnt get because im a noob sorry and thank you
08-16-2009, 01:09 AM
gordo i started using poison ivy and is dns the ip? ..
Q*.do i have to portforward the ports of poison ivy if im behind a router?(what's the ports of poison ivy?)
Q2.and what's key file?
Q*.could you tell me what boxes to check and what boxes not to check?
Q4. and for the connection section, at the DNS/PORT PART, DO I WRITE MY IP THERE? AND DO I CHANGE THE PORT?(IT'S SET *460)
PS.i read the tutorial in the folder but there were a lot of things i didnt get because im a noob sorry and thank you
08-16-2009, 10:42 AM
gordo i started using poison ivy and is dns the ip? ..
Q*.do i have to portforward the ports of poison ivy if im behind a router?(what's the ports of poison ivy?)
Q2.and what's key file?
Q*.could you tell me what boxes to check and what boxes not to check?
Q4. and for the connection section, at the DNS/PORT PART, DO I WRITE MY IP THERE? AND DO I CHANGE THE PORT?(IT'S SET *460)
PS.i read the tutorial in the folder but there were a lot of things i didnt get because im a noob sorry and thank you
All the answers to your questions have been answered in previous posts. You are asking the same ones over and over. Read the tutorials until you understand.
08-24-2009, 06:53 PM
I did ***** install and everything is working except client order page.
It shows message: Down for maintenance. Please try back later.
In admin settings everything is set to public so it should work.
Is there anything else I need to change?
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