View Full Version : A little explanation about tunneling through a proxy

09-24-2003, 03:46 AM
Hello, in this moment i'm sitting behind my computer at work, which it's behind a proxy (& maybe even firewall...i don't know), this machine allow me just "vanilla" traffic (hope this is the right term), so i can connect to internet just using a browser (opera in my case) & i can browse just canonical web site (not those who have different port i.e. www.xxx.xxx:8080 is denied 4 me) & somethimes some ftp sites (must have port 20/2* opened and because i must use my browser i cannot access some particular protected addys).

Let me say i'm an absolute beginner in this field of knowledge, but i like to read, & i know it's possible to go through this proxy with some tunneling tools. I've tryed to configure (without success) antifirewall & Enguk http tunnel, could some* explain how to configure these or maybe point me where this could be clearly explained? (i.e. i cannot instruct antifirewall to "detect" my proxy, this program automatically start a scanning that goes on for some time and find nothing...)

Thanks in advance
Cheers to all

09-25-2003, 08:35 AM
Listen, your employer has seen fit to give a ______ (insert insult) individual such as yourself job, and you want to attempt to circumvent his security plan when you're a self acclaimed "absolute beginner in this field of knowledge" just so you can go surf some pr0n site while you're supposed to be working???

I hope your boss discovers what you're planning to do before you introduce a vulnerability, fires you on the spot, has security toss you out skidding across the sidewalk on your ear, and you have plenty of time to sit home and read up on security measures before you screw things up for someone other than yourself, lamer.

Have a nice day. :)

09-25-2003, 09:47 AM
Have i offended any*?

If i work or not and who i am in my company are not ur business anyway.

I've just asked 4 some kind of help and don't think to deserve this kind of answers.

Have a nice day u too, it seems u need more than me. :)

09-26-2003, 09:06 AM
You're Wrong.

I know all there is to know about you.

09-29-2003, 01:55 AM
I know nothing.
Thanks 4 the help, i'll find it elsewhere and i'll do what i want.

10-17-2003, 09:04 AM
Those kind of answers aren't really practical!

Start with some kind of portmapper (I like nmap, but if you're using windows, you'll need to find another). This will allow you to know which routes are free for you to use over the gateway / router / firewall.

You can then find out whether IPs are being banned by the firewall by going to a few you know you can go using a specific port, and trying a few you can't go to.

Then you can start redirecting your packets in tunnels.

Good luck, it aint easy :)