View Full Version : How to set free proxies in IE ?

12-11-2003, 07:18 PM
Hi all,
I am using Cable, with windows *8 SE, IE 6.0. My provider provides certain number of ports that I can use. In IE, Tools/Internet Options/Cojnnection/Lan setting I don't have to set anything. When I manually set (anonymous) proxy into the box, my real IP is always shown.....even if I disable ActiveX, Java, JavaScript.

I try to set many free proxies, but no result......(Note: I am not newbie to this issue, but in this case I give up).

Do you have any idea ?

Your messages will be appreciated.


12-12-2003, 08:28 AM
maybe you have 'automatically detect settings' or 'use automatic confiruation script' enabled? I am not a specialist on this one tho...if your ISP hasn't blocked access to other proxies completly you might try http://www.proxyswitcher.com as it works for me.