View Full Version : Can my ISP see me?
01-06-2004, 03:52 PM
If I use a highly anonymous proxy located on Mars somewhere to surf, can my ISP still see all the action? A packet still has to pass through my ISP, doesn't it?
Also. Does an ISP have the authority to call your house and question you about your surfing activities. It happened to me here in the Caribbean. I realize that the laws differ from nation to nation, but a breach is a breach. N'est pas?
Any insights greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
you<--->isp<--->highly anonymous proxy
The ISPcan tell the police any way.
Since the ISP is in he middle,they can "see you".
01-07-2004, 10:35 AM
Try to use some "good" anon proxies.
Your ISP will see only you and your proxy IP.
But if you do some stupid things your ISP can contact proxy owner to know more about your activity.
Also be careful. Some proxies are spying users.
They are called "bad proxies". There are a lot of such proxies published in Net as high anon proxies or about.
And remember, do not think you can be *00 % anonymous in Net.
Internet is a transmission and is logged not only by your ISP but many many other servers ( eg.see your traceroute to or another )
Pawel (Poland)
(sorry for my poor english)
02-04-2004, 10:24 AM
Its *0% Impossible for your ISP to watch you, If you use SSL.
Example, YOU -( isp )- SSL PROXY
The ISP will not be able to watch you as you are bypassing the ISP on a SSL direct connection to the proxy..
But IF the ISP caches all transmission there might be a chance, i am not sure anyway or the isp can either contact the SSL proxy and request the logs ... (anyway its really a hard job)
A good SSL PROXY is Anonymizer (USA)..
But if you are thinking to use it for ILLEGAL purposes, Then you could be in trouble as there are still chances to ***** you back!!*
02-06-2004, 10:13 AM
It is impossible for your ISP to ***** where you go on the internet. Everything you go to, is *****ed on your PC and not somewhere on a server somewhere. The amount of space it would take to ***** everywhere you went on the net would be exorbitant....not to mention pointless. Not only that but in the US and Canada it is a breach of the privacy act, and therefore illegal. If you are under suspicion of illegal activity, your computer could be confiscated, and if you are hacking into things, you can be traced by your IP address, but trust me your ISP cannot "see you" and watch you going to adult sites, or unless a proxy is set to specifically ***** your usage, or a Trojan is installed to monitor your computer usage. This would only be done in the instance that law enforment wants to know what you are doing due to national security or child pronography.....but your ISP does not care otherwise and cannot see! (they can only see your signal and whether you are online or not)
02-06-2004, 07:50 PM
Its not exactly true.
ISP can see your IP and first IP *or link you connected.
ISP logs looks like ex:
2**.20*.**5.82 looked at: -> with current connection time.
If you use proxy ISP logs look like:
your proxy IP looked at: ->
So if ISP see IP open proxy he can check with proxy admin what you have done ( if they are both friendly people).
Please also see your traceroute. You can see so many servers you connect trough = serious possibility some hack-oriented man can trace you by use of simple sniffing progz etc.
Thats why I very offen use https anon proxy servers ....
best wishes
Pavel (PL)
02-08-2004, 12:30 PM
If You'll decrypt traffic like:
and will decode it on Your side.
RadioNetwork is wery good choice.
All they want cash *****
:) :) :)
02-09-2004, 10:19 AM
Connect and reconnect ten times/day and the algoritm will be changed. Your ISP can decrypt your packets but very hard. If you use the iternet for illegal purposes make a proxy chain and put it on a server.
02-12-2004, 12:17 PM
02-15-2004, 07:31 AM
There is a way to have a **% 256-bit encrypted connection, where your isp can't see what you are doing. even log files will only contains data which are encrypted.
*. You need a shell account, unix shell account. (must be paid account, or you wont have port forwarding option).
2. You probably use windows, linux users will have this easier, but anyway, if you are a windows user, you have to download putty or any ssh client wich supports port forwarding, I prefer using SSH on cygwin. (Linux users skip to step *).
*. start your ssh client, using SSH on Cygwin and linux users. here is the command:
ssh -C -2 -c AES -D *080 -l username
then you setup your browser to use socks proxy located at: *27.0.0.* and port is *080
you will be browsing **% anonymously, the other *% is the dns resoulution.
using this will give you very much privacy.
I hope that I have helped you.
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