View Full Version : To Fever the author of Sympa_ver*.00*

01-27-2004, 08:00 PM

I had been testing your sympa_ver*.00* few times on my previous OS system win*8, it worked just fine . Now I just installed a ***** winxp with sp*a and all applications work good but sympa . I did try every single of the list proxy you put as default , and still not work. It keeps coming up the message

"Proxy [xxx.xx.xx.xxx:****] is NOT responding at this time"

I even tried to shut-off my zonealarm pro but still no luck at all.
Hope you can help me to trouble-shooting your sympa_ver*.00* .
Thanks in advance. I'm sorry about using Unregister to post this, kinda hurry to get off line. please forward any help to my personal email at edc@sdf.lonestar.org

01-28-2004, 06:19 AM
Originally posted by Unregistered
............................ I did try every single of the list proxy you put as default , and still not work. It keeps coming up the message

"Proxy [xxx.xx.xx.xxx:****] is NOT responding at this time"
As you already know, Open proxies that accept the CONNECT mode are rare to find & have most of the time a short life cycle.
If you are getting this message Proxy [xxx.xx.xx.xxx:****] is NOT responding at this time it is simply because the proxy that you selected is already dead.
I try periodically to update the proxy list, but you can also check from your end and search different forums/sites etc.. to find working proxies..
One hint, if you can establish a connection in NORMAL mode then SYMPA is working fine on your PC.
fEš·.·šEr (http://fever.resourcez.com)

01-29-2004, 07:52 PM
Yes, after reading on your post and went back and check on normal mode
but nothing getting better . I stil have the same issue, even I put more latest proxies in the field. But look like my pc discriminates the sympa. Thanks again for your help Fever.