View Full Version : serious request for most desperate need

01-03-2010, 03:54 PM
Ok. I am sure you guys ( and gals) have had thousands of requests for help to hack paswords. I have read many many sites, and have learned, that its impossible to just gain a password without some sort of phising, or key logger. I have found several trial version key loggers, and would like to locate a free full version?( that wont add any "exras" to my computer, ie: hacks or viruses. )

If you must know my story I wil gladly share it with you, however, I am sure you have read countless posts about jilted lovers looking to prove their spouse is cheating. I unfortunatly find myself in the position questioning just that. I however, can not afford a PI, or to pay some " genious hacker " a grand. I have two kids and myself to support.

So, if anyone has any s***estions, or advice, I am all ears!!!

If you prefer to offer your advice via email, My email is judgemax@aim.com

( I am female, not a judge, and not named max. so please spare me the jokes)

Thanks very much in advance!


01-03-2010, 05:07 PM
Dear Max, trial versions of keyloggers are to try then buy if you can configure/use it. They will not be fully functional or disable themselves after a few days. If you have access to the computer, just about any keylogger will do. If not, you need a remote install keylogger. Good ones are spytector or eblaster.
If you continue looking for a free one, you will find yourself backdoored or keylogged. Good luck.

01-03-2010, 06:20 PM
Thanks for that info. I realize that the more i search, the more questionable the sources become.

My issue is, I need a key logger that doesn't give me a timmed limit. the one i currently found, has a limit of 40 minutes?.. That doesn't leave much of a window to guess when someone is going to be on. :(

I do have The computer, as it is mine. So if there are any other s***estions as to how to obtain the information, that would be awesome!

Thanks again, Julz

P.S. I guess I should add, I am searching for a free one because I don't have any extra *****, two kids, ( one with special needs, two dogs, a house payment, and all the other things we " need" like food, ect...lol, seem to be stealing any meager earnings i manage to make..lol)

01-03-2010, 06:26 PM
see if any of these will work for you. http://www.freesoftware4all.co.uk/keylogger.htm

01-03-2010, 06:50 PM
Thanks for your quick reply again. I actually have the first one listed. so I will gamble with that one for a few days:)

Hopefully, It will get me what i need. ( and hopefully prove me wrong:( )

Again, my sincere thanks, Julz