View Full Version : Good ways to make some ***** on the internet?

01-18-2010, 11:24 AM
Hey everybody, nice forum!

Could anyone help me get started making some ***** on the internet, i would like to make *****

01-19-2010, 01:51 AM
This is the only way I've ever made ***** on the Internet and one of the most convenient. As an affiliate you refer your audience to various company websites, and when a sale is made you earn a commission.

You are the middleman (or middlewoman) so you don't have to deal with ******** service, taking orders, etc. The companies you become affiliated with provide you with a *****ing link to use to link to their site. That's how they ***** how many sales you've generated.

Almost all affiliate programs are free to join. It usually involves filling out a sign-up form and within moments the company sends you the links you need to use on your site or blog.

The key is to choose a subject you love (hobby, passion, topic, etc.) and build a content-rich, informative site or blog about it.

Finally, you can go to sites like AssociatePrograms.com to search for related affiliate programs to join and promote from your site.

Here's an example. Say you love fishing. You could create a "how to" site on fishing that provides all the tips and techniques one needs to become a successful fisherman.

First you'd have to read up on SEO (search engine optimization) to learn how to get your pages ranked high in Google, Yahoo, Live, etc.

Then you'd make ***** by joining affiliate programs that offer fishing related products. Link to these products from your site and earn commissions when your visitors buy through your links.

You can also earn ***** from programs like Google AdSense or having other Web******s advertise on your site. The possibilities are endless! Thousands of people (including myself) make a living from affiliate marketing.
Frankincense Oil (http://www.florapathics.com/p-*8-frankincense-essential-oil.aspx)
Los Angeles Skin and Beauty (http://losangelesskinandbeauty.com)

01-20-2010, 04:10 AM
Here are some easy ways to make *****, if you like writing. (I probably should have said simple ways to make *****, rather than easy ways to make *****, because there is a difference between simple and easy. But who cares, this is about how to make easy ***** quickly).

*. Make easy ***** online naming domains. The original idea comes from Dane Carson’s blog. While you can earn ***** as a contributor for services such as PickyDomains.Com, here is a better idea. Go to Google or any other search engine, find sucky domain names and contact their owners directly, offering them your services. The key to success is to make it *00% risk free. Inform your prospective clients that you’ll accept ***** only if they like your domain name. If you come up with one approved domain name a day and charge what PickyDomain charges, you can make $*500 a month. Another twist – come up with cool domain names, like SiteToRemember.Com or ItsMe.Com, register them yourself and sell them on the aftermarket.

2. eBay arbitrage. A lot of people like buying stuff on eBay, because it’s cheap. And some people never buy on eBay, because they are afraid of being ripped off. Here is your solution to making easy ***** on eBay. Go to Craigslist.Com and see what items people buy and sell most often. Look at prices. Then go to eBay and see, if you can get it cheaper. Once you find your niche, you can buy things on eBay (or better yet, act as a representative for an eBay powerseller) and sell them for a profit using local classifieds and Craigslist. You can do this online as well. Set up a proxy store, and when you get an order, simply buy the same item on eBay for less, substituting shipping address from your own to that of your buyer.
air conditioning compressor (http://www.*airconditioning.com/)
mazda 6 cars (http://www.autotrader.co.uk/EDITORIAL/CARS/FEATURES/auto_trader_ten_point_test_mazda_6_car_review.html)

01-30-2010, 11:09 PM
Here are some ways of making ***** on the Internet from your personal Web site...

They were one of the first ways of making ***** from hobby Web sites, however they are not so popular now since most surfers don't even look at them. In fact, the click-through rate (the percentage of visitors who actually click on a banner) has steadily dropped, from around 5% 4 years ago to less than 0.5% now.

In the Traffic-Building volume of Make Your Site SELL! 2002 (the free ebook describing all possible ways of making ***** on the Internet), banners are called #* "Time and ***** Wasters." Save yourself months of poorly spent time. Read this essential manual first.

If you have highly relevant, cleverly designed banners, you can beat the odds. However, you need relatively high traffic to actually make more than pocket change. In fact, most banner advertising companies prefer to only pay for actual sales (even click throughs are no longer attractive, since many people click through because they are paid to, and not because they intend to buy anything).

Under this category are things such as free lotto tickets and various games where you can win prizes. Often, these are implemented as pop-ups and are much more annoying than banners.

Affiliate programs
They pay you a percentage of the sales you generate for them, or for each visitor you send. This is one of the best ways of making ***** on the Internet. You don't have to spend time and energy creating your own product. And some of them pay 50% commission. See Affiliate programs for more information on building income from affiliate programs.
Gastric Bypass (http://www.ebariatricsurgery.com/GastricBypass.php)
Benchtop Autoclave (http://labface.com/suppliers/Benchtop-Autoclave-*6*)

01-31-2010, 10:39 PM
Google AdSense
This is one of the easiest ways of making ***** on the Internet for small and medium sites by displaying relevant, text-based ads from Google AdWords (Google's own advertising program) and receiving a share of the pay-per-click payment
Lumatek (http://www.growlightexpress.com/grow-light-ballasts-*/)
Double Hung Windows (http://www.homeimprovementcorner.com/single_double_hung_windows.php)

02-04-2010, 04:39 PM
Here are some easy ways to make *****, if you like writing. (I probably should have said simple ways to make *****, rather than easy ways to make *****, because there is a difference between simple and easy. But who cares, this is about how to make easy ***** quickly).

*. Make easy ***** online naming domains. The original idea comes from Dane Carson’s blog. While you can earn ***** as a contributor for services such as PickyDomains.Com, here is a better idea. Go to Google or any other search engine, find sucky domain names and contact their owners directly, offering them your services. The key to success is to make it *00% risk free. Inform your prospective clients that you’ll accept ***** only if they like your domain name. If you come up with one approved domain name a day and charge what PickyDomain charges, you can make $*500 a month. Another twist – come up with cool domain names, like SiteToRemember.Com or ItsMe.Com, register them yourself and sell them on the aftermarket.

2. eBay arbitrage. A lot of people like buying stuff on eBay, because it’s cheap. And some people never buy on eBay, because they are afraid of being ripped off. Here is your solution to making easy ***** on eBay. Go to Craigslist.Com and see what items people buy and sell most often. Look at prices. Then go to eBay and see, if you can get it cheaper. Once you find your niche, you can buy things on eBay (or better yet, act as a representative for an eBay powerseller) and sell them for a profit using local classifieds and Craigslist. You can do this online as well. Set up a proxy store, and when you get an order, simply buy the same item on eBay for less, substituting shipping address from your own to that of your buyer.

*. eBay copywriting. If you are good at copywriting, go to eBay and look for highticket items, like ***ts. Find auctions with totally sucky descriptions. Contact an owner and inform him or her that good description of his or her item is likely to increase the chances of that item being sold. Then offer your services for a *% of the selling price. You can use free eBay software

4. Get Paid Writing Reviews. This idea comes from a blog called Business Ideas That Work. A site called SoftwareJudge.Com pays up to 50 dollars per good review. However, if you are good at reviewing software, you can do this on your own. Go to CNET or any other site that lists software. Find sites that don’t have any reviews or testimonials. Contact developers directly, offering them your review services. Good reviews and testimonials increases sales, so you shouldn’t have any difficulties convincing developers that they need your services. And you get free software and games too! Oh, and you don't have to limit yourself to software alone.

5. Social Bookmark Whoring (oops, I meant to say PR). This is really easy ***** online. RedDit and Digg can bring a crapload of traffic. And traffic means *****. If you have experience creating linkbate titles and getting to the top, why not offer your services? Say, you charge *0 dollars for submitting news to RedDit, Digg, StumbleUpon, Furl, NewsVine, Fark and all the other social bookmarting sites. The key is to work only with interesting stories, so you don’t become a spammer. *0 news a day and you are *00 dollars richer. You can probably work out a deal with online PR agencies, because they are totally clueless about this.

6. Writing Google AdWords Ads. Every time I see “Cake Icing. Used And New. eBay.Com” type ads or “Four best sites on killing your wife”, it makes me wonder. Aren’t there any GOOD AdWords ads copywriters? Look’s like a great job to me. The ads are only three lines long and if you charge *0 bucks per ad, you can make a lot of *****. And the ********s are easy to find, too. Just look at all these terrible ads that Google displays on their search engine and contextual network.

7. Wacky blogs. Steve Pavlina gets over *00 dollars a day from AdSense alone, writing on wacky topics, like polyphasic sleep, astral projection and psychic development. Or take David Icke, who claims that president Bush in an alien and a reptilian. Your blog doesn’t have to be true, it just has to be interesting.

8. Blog whoring. There are a number of services, like PayPerPost.Com, that pay for promotional blogposts. Once again, you can do the same thing, cutting the middleman out.

*. Unique Personal Ads. Write memorable personal ads for online daters. Most personal ads suck. “Hi, my name is Bambie, I’m a Vergo, I’m ** and I love dogs.” Here is my favorite personal ad. If people pay for resume writing, they might pay for a great personal ad.

*0. Poet For Hire. This is nothing new. Still, if you love writing poetry, why not make some ***** with your rhymes.

**. Don’t EVEN THINK about majoring in English, Medieval Literature, Journalism or GET A REAL JOB, IF YOU WERE DUMB ENOUGH TO DO SO. Just kidding. If you love writing, just write, and the ***** will follow.

02-07-2010, 09:32 AM
I tried one of those online survey sites about 4 months ago that
say all you have to do is spend a couple of minutes filling out
some surveys and you will be making hundreds a day..... YEAH RIGHT, I didn't make anything.

I joined 7 of these stupid websites and I actually tried filling
out a couple of surveys on each site and they took forever then at
the end they wanted me to buy things or I couldn't complete the

These are complete scams so be aware!!! I couldn't believe they
were even allowed to sell such bogus products.

Then about 2 weeks ago I was watching the news and they had some
vice presidents and marketing managers of some major multi million
dollar companies talking about a site that they personally work
with to pay consumers for their opinion, A site that actually just
wants the "average Joe's" honest opinion on products and services
and is willing to pay big ***** to get them.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://clickplz.com/surveysfor***** for more information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I tried this site out and it is the only one I have ever seen that
actually pays you just to take surveys. I made almost $*00 in my
first day just filling out * simple surveys.

This is the only legit survey site online, so if you are
interested in making hundreds per day just giving your opinions
then make sure you check this out.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://clickplz.com/surveysfor***** for more information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

P.S. there is a video on the homepage that will explain everything.
If I were you I would at least check the video out and if you don't
make at least $*00 in your first week they have a 2 month refund
policy so just get your ***** back!!! This is definitely worth a


02-22-2010, 04:30 AM
Indiankalakar.com database has a huge collection of bengali lyrics (http://www.indiankalakar.com/bengali_lyrics.php) of bengali songs.

02-22-2010, 01:49 PM
There are many ways to make ***** on the Internet. The hard part is making a living out of it. Affiliate marketing is the most popular way to make ***** but you've got to find a great niche product along with a lot of SEO work to drive traffic to your site. There's also article writing. There are a few companies that pay you to write blog posts that they then sell to their clients. Or you could skip the middle man and be a ghost writer. A ghost writer is someone who writes blog posts for their client saving their client time. There are others ways like filling out surveys but most of them don't pay that much.