How can i make a fake login page for hotmail?[/QUOTE]
could you please answer me about this subjet and my e-mail is [email]black-broken-heart@hotmail.com[/email]
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How can i make a fake login page for hotmail?[/QUOTE]
could you please answer me about this subjet and my e-mail is [email]black-broken-heart@hotmail.com[/email]
[QUOTE=carlo]Yes ive found a website where to get a fake hotmail login page. Just private message me and ill send it you by email[/QUOTE]
could you please send me the web site from fake hotmail loging page at [email]nicaman*@hotmail.com[/email]
send to me as well: [email]sagat4@**********[/email]
Hey, all bullsh*t aside.
I designed my own fake hotmail website, and always updating it.
Check it out, and for those who are wondering how most of these fake hotmail pages work. Here you go:
My fake hotmail page is designed with mostly html, but has some php for the form/sending part. I copy word for word/image for image from the main hotmail website to get the real look of it all. I then exchanged their form script that submits your hotmail information to their login system. With my php code that will send the password and email account information to a certain email address after the victim clicks the submit to login. After that is done, the page will just re*****/reload ( I am working on it to redirect to the actual/real hotmail page so if they try to login a second time, they will ) the fake hotmail page. The email address that I have set it to is 'hotmailantispamcell@hotmail.com', but that can be changed. I think I might be adding an IP Logger to the fake hotmail page so I can keep ***** of how many people go to the page. And for the people that go to the fake page, and then try to login. Having said that, you all know how most of it works now.
Email me any questions you have to 'hotmailantispamcell@hotmail.com', because I probably am not going to stay on this forum and post a hell of alot more.
Thanks - Enjoy!
, Virusoft.
link doesn't work
Can you please send it to me: [email]akenig@**********[/email]
Thank you!
i can provide u with web hosting... ad free to put ur page or some one else can also contact me.. send me pm or find my mail somwhere i aint posting it here :D
[QUOTE=rocksteady]You goto hotmail.com, right click on the page and view code. then Select all and copy to a notepad, then edit it for wherever its going to be hosted so everything is pointed appropriately. Takes *0min max[/QUOTE]
im kinda' new at all this. could u maybe help me?
okay, what iv done so far is:
* went to hotmail.com,
* right clicked on the page and viewed the code,
* selected all and copied the text to a notepad,
now the part where im completley stuck, is where you say "then edit it for wherever its going to be hosted so everything is appointed appropriately."
could u explain me to me really simple instructions what that means exactly?
like, in the notepad where i copies & pasted the text, it's just a whole lot of words & characters.
what do i do next?
i's be heaps grateful if ud tell me.
or if u can email me at [email]nimah@hotmail.com[/email], that'd be cool.
im kinda' new at all this. could u maybe help me?
okay, what iv done so far is:
* went to hotmail.com,
* right clicked on the page and viewed the code,
* selected all and copied the text to a notepad,
now the part where im completley stuck, is where you say "then edit it for wherever its going to be hosted so everything is appointed appropriately."
could u explain me to me really simple instructions what that means exactly?
like, in the notepad where i copies & pasted the text, it's just a whole lot of words & characters.
what do i do next?
i's be heaps grateful if ud tell me.
or if u can email me at [email]nimah@hotmail.com[/email], that'd be cool.
It's not as simple as just copying the page source and then hosting it, for the page to submit the passwords + email address, it has to access a few other files like php for example, with just an html file all it can do is display the page, not take the input of passwords and write it to a file. So, you would have to download all the files it accesses, then modify them to fit your site hoster, which must support php, it's not as simple as viewing the source of a html file. From what you are saying, I doubt you could even attempt anything like this, so you should get yourself a web hosting service that supports php, then find a hotmail fake login page thats already been set up with the necesarry files, then host it. Of course, any pre made fake login page you find on the internet will be detected by all antivirus programs, but until you are ready to edit and make your own fake logins, this is your only option, there are enough people without antivirus programs, so you could simply target unprotected people.
Hi im new here
please send one to me at [email]beasta.evil@hotmail.com[/email]
[QUOTE=Beasta]Hi im new here
please send one to me at [email]beasta.evil@hotmail.com[/email][/QUOTE]
Stop posting these noob comments and think for a moment, do you have a website hosted with a service that supports php, no, so what use would a fake login page be to you if you have no way to actually host it? What, you think the page will somehow generate passwords for you without you putting the slightest effort in, apart from asking for it to be sent to you. Even if you got sent it, it would be detected by hotmails antivirus scanning as a fake page, then you would not be allowed to download it, so you haven't even considered that, you have just posted on here (probably finding this thread from searching "hack hotmail" on google) expecting someone to do all the work for you. The fact that this thread is 4 pages long compared to * page on most threads tells me that it has become like those threads what someone first starts saying stuff like "is there any way 2 hack hotmail" and then a flood of n00bs come in from googling "hack hotmail", then post stuff like
i want hack dis ID plz help me,
my email is
(actually taken from the *0 page thread on all net tools, "How can i get my girlfriends yahoo password") feel free to add those two addresses included in that post I took from that *0 page thread to any spam lists you may have.
hey u prik all i did was ask for one.
i really need that password for [email]nym**@hotmail.com[/email] SO SHUT UP!:mad: im not like NoOBs even though i am one LOL:D
[QUOTE=Beasta]hey u prik all i did was ask for one.
i really need that password for [email]nym**@hotmail.com[/email] SO SHUT UP!:mad: im not like NoOBs even though i am one LOL:D[/QUOTE]
Yeah, well i'm just saying that you will get sent it and have absolutely no use for it, the only thing you will be doing is wasting your own bandwidth with the transfer of the file. Of course, if you have a php supporting site and plan to use the fake page, then I take it all back. If you really need the password for [email]nym**@hotmail.com[/email], then it's about time you realised that whatever you think us people on this forum are capable of, there is no one that can hack into an email account, whatever they may claim. Brute forcing is just not possible on major email providers. If you keep asking for people to hack into accounts, then you will just get your friend at [email]nym**@hotmail.com[/email] spammed by the people who crawl threads like this to spam all the posted emails. I doubt you will listen to me about there being no way to hack emails, but you will realise it in the end.
Hi again sneakey one.
I was searching google for sneakey one and i found some interesting info. Did you by any chance get kicked out of another webmail password retrieveal serrvice website fo tricking someone into typeing in thier username and password in a fake login screen? No offence or anything like that.
[QUOTE=slash]wanting to know your friends password or is your girlfriend having an secret affair.or is your partner cheating you or u want to know what your child is doing online
how easy would it be if only u had their email password .now you can get the required password very easily just contact our agency that is the underground survielence just click on the link below for more info
SCAM, read my post here:
This needs to be locked.
I HAVE REMOVED THE PAGES - Edited by Phil.fee - Do not email me
[QUOTE=carlo]Yes ive found a website where to get a fake hotmail login page. Just private message me and ill send it you by email[/QUOTE]
Do you think you can send me this?
[URL="http://www.elitec0ders.net"]elitec0ders[/URL] have a fakelogin page generator.
um could u plz tell me how to make fake msn page to plz email me on [email]rabbit_marie@hotmail.com[/email]:D :D :D thanx
[QUOTE=rabbit_*]um could u plz tell me how to make fake msn page to plz email me on [email]rabbit_marie@hotmail.com[/email]:D :D :D thanx[/QUOTE]
Just think about it, how do you think a fake page is made? You take the source of a msn login page, edit the forms so they post to your own php script, then create that php script to take the input from the html page, write it to a file, then forward it to the real msn login page. But no, you didn't think about it at all. You need a PHP supporting web host, which I don't think you have, and you need a knowledge of html forms and php, which you definitely don't have. It really isn't that hard, I could make one in a very short amount of time, but I don't want my website to be taken down due to phishing. So the question:
"um could u plz tell me how to make fake msn page to plz email me on"
was dumb, if you had even thought about it for one minute then you would have known that you have to know php and html. Or, for the n00bs out there, there are phishing kits available to create the pages for you, and the pages are detected by antivirus, which you all deserve really. I think [url]www.elitec0ders.com[/url] has one. If you find yourself using one of those script kiddy's kits, you should stop and learn some php + html, anyone who doesn't is a n00b who should quit hacking now.
Whoever has the webpage hotmail2.tk
tried to hack into my hotmail account
[QUOTE=TheOne]Whoever has the webpage hotmail2.tk
tried to hack into my hotmail account[/QUOTE]
Man, how dumb can you be? What, you're telling me you logged into that page and gave away your password? First, it is in Italian, it has a dot tk frame at the top, and you have to go through dot tk's advertising BEFORE getting to the page. You can't seriously be saying that after all that you still logged in with your details?
nah, i logged in with the addres f**kyou@hotmail.com for a joke.
But then it redirected me to my real inbox, so i thought maybe they could get into my account as i was already logged in my real account which is why it redirected straight to my inbox.
Anyway i quickly changed my password just incase ;)
then later on it said my password had been tried to many times so i couldn't login.
So im thinking whoever site that is, got the message f**kyou (a joke) and got angry so they
tried to get into my account but luckily i had changed the password *0 seconds after. phew.
OMG I can't believe how many people are requesting this...
Well, I can not only create Hotmail Fake Login page, but I can create any site's fake login page. Currently I don't have my Fake Hotmail login page uploaded anywhere, but I have a MySpace fake login uploaded here - [url]http://nithanthkudige.tripod.com/[/url]
I can make fake login pages of any sites; Yahoo, Hotmail, MySpace, etc.... any for as low as $5 per fake login, well you can easily bargain with me... I'm in a good mood most of the times :cool: I accept payments via paypal
Note - You pay only after I prepare a fake login page for you (that sends the password to your email address) and you test it.
Contact me on Yahoo! Messenger; my Yahoo! Messenger's ID is [B]onefakeloginformeplz[/B] . Please tell that you want a fake login page in the message you send when you add me; or else I might deny your add...
[QUOTE=FakeLogin******]OMG I can't believe how many people are requesting this...
Well, I can not only create Hotmail Fake Login page, but I can create any site's fake login page. Currently I don't have my Fake Hotmail login page uploaded anywhere, but I have a MySpace fake login uploaded here - [url]http://nithanthkudige.tripod.com/[/url]
I can make fake login pages of any sites; Yahoo, Hotmail, MySpace, etc.... any for as low as $5 per fake login, well you can easily bargain with me... I'm in a good mood most of the times :cool: I accept payments via paypal
Note - You pay only after I prepare a fake login page for you (that sends the password to your email address) and you test it.
Contact me on Yahoo! Messenger; my Yahoo! Messenger's ID is [B]onefakeloginformeplz[/B] . Please tell that you want a fake login page in the message you send when you add me; or else I might deny your add...[/QUOTE]
You are actually asking for people to pay for a fake page? I could make one in 2 minutes, it only requires a basic knowledge of html and php. You can't charge $5 for something that you take a very small amount of time to make, and a small amount of knowledge. If people want to waste their *****, go ahead and give it to him. Do you even know html and php? Ok then, explain the difference between http POST, and http GET, and I will know if you copied it from wikipedia etc.
[QUOTE=carlo]Yes ive found a website where to get a fake hotmail login page. Just private message me and ill send it you by email[/QUOTE]
Hello carlo can you send me the website where i can find the gake msn shit plz
[email]doob_nl@hotmail.com[/email] this is my email thanks:)
Hey Carlo I would like to have the fake hotmail login page too.. please send it to [email]mn_bi_gurl@**********[/email]..
Thanks alot
can you send it to me too..
thank you!
[QUOTE=scarletangel]can you send it to me too..
thank you![/QUOTE]
This thread is almost * year old. Carlo will NOT be responding to these posts, if he ever did. There are many other resources available in this forum and the internet explaining fake pages, which are a far better way to learn than simply begging for one, so I s***est you start reading.
And for you lazy ass script kiddies reading this, here are links to some popular fake page generators. They generate scripts that are detected by antivirus programs, but that is really what you deserve for using someone else's tool without even understanding it. So I repeat - go learn something yourself, and you will realise what a waste of time phishing is, especially when you don't even make the pages yourself.
[QUOTE=carlo]Yes ive found a website where to get a fake hotmail login page. Just private message me and ill send it you by email[/QUOTE]
can u send me the page please. my email is [email]free4singing@hotmail.com[/email]
thanks again
[QUOTE=RoLiNdAdIcE64]can u send me the page please. my email is [email]free4singing@hotmail.com[/email]
thanks again[/QUOTE]
Come on people, LISTEN TO ME. Ok, I will have to resort to childish insults to prevent further posts...
Anyone who posts below this line (or on next page) is gay.
check this out and its not fake cause i am also a hacker and this one did it
go and see it[/QUOTE]
You are so pathetic, that you can't even create your own HTML form for a scam.
GTFO, moron.
i want to know about this too... love to have a fake login page for hotmail, in order to receive people's passwords.
please email me at [email]wittekop27@hotmail.com[/email]
Could someone please send that fake login page to me on [email]Blessed_raptor@hotmail.com[/email]
would be much appreciated
hey can you make me a fake myspace login page? thanks
Could any one send me Fake MSN please
my e-mail is [email]romchek@**********[/email]
Thank You
I would like to have one also. E-mail me @ [URL="nisht_a_007@hotmail.com"]nisht_a_007@hotmail.com[/URL]
Why can't you just post the the link in the thread, man? Are you scared of anything? It would be a lot easier if you just post the link.