Hackers Should all be killed, all they do is fuck up things for their own entertainment. Kind of a piss off. They get nothing but a chuckle out of something, while whoever they hack seems to have their life possibly exposed/ruined or whatever
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Hackers Should all be killed, all they do is fuck up things for their own entertainment. Kind of a piss off. They get nothing but a chuckle out of something, while whoever they hack seems to have their life possibly exposed/ruined or whatever
It's Me Again.
But seriously, if you're going to hack, don't do it to personal people, or individuals, go fuck up Wal-Mart's price list, or fuck up Wendy's sale targets... do something that will fuck over a corporation, who don't really need all the ***** they are making, the ones that are holding the general public down.
Can You please hepl me hack on to my msn i cant remeber my password, or my secert awencer! and i have been trying to think of ways to get on to my account, and looking up lots of ways, and then i saw this, and will you please help me!
if u can hack msn account can u email teh name of the software that u use on [email]acemace200*@hotmail.com[/email]
Thank You
hi peter wats up dude
my old m8 hacked my msn he also changed my password i would be graetfull if u could send me my old password which is [email]tonge_moor_boxer@hotmail.com...........................................plz[/email] send me a email of my password which is [email]jgolf_boxer@hotmail.co.uk....................................or[/email] if any * else is willing 2 help me hack msn passwords i would be very great full...thnxs peter and othurs
Hey if ur as good as u say u r then help me hack this person [email]the_nba@hotmail.com[/email]
Hey if u r as good as u say u r than help me hack this guy his email is [email]the_nba@hotmail.com[/email]. u can contact me on [email]ms78*@msn.com.PLZ[/email]
I Lost My Secret Questoin I Want To Get Password Of My Yahoo Messanger
My name is Julio and i need your help. I have troubles right now in my life and maybe I could be better if I can find the password of this MSN Acoount. Is about my girlfriend, is not nothing bad, I just want to know things, please can u help me. Her MSN email is [email]dianapokus@msn.com[/email]
Please help me with this, my email address is [email]jreguero@cowowi.com[/email]
Sorry my englis, Im from Guatemala, but i do my best.
Thanks a lot
Julio Antonio
plz help me get hotmail passwords. if u really can email me at
[email]josh_phipps@hotmail.co.uk[/email] and i will tell you which passwords i need
lol hey i was wondering if anybody could help me get a password for a certin account if you can EMAIL ME at [email]happyshorty_2007@hotmail.com[/email]!!! thanku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Peter / Else competent hacker(s),
I need to get a pw of hotmail account. Willing to pay by ** or ******* *****. Will ask for pre-verification: you get me pw of my own hotmail, once you do, i'll pay you and you get me the real victim's hotmail pw. Deal?
I am a genuine caller.
Only competent hackers please.
email me [email]almerssad@yahoo.co.uk[/email]
I havent made a yahoo hack yet.
but this is my service.
I have made this site .... [url]www.bbmessenger.net.tf[/url]
basically tell someone to sign in and it sends me their address and password.
email me afterwards requesting the password and i'll mail it back.
[QUOTE=burning_baby]I havent made a yahoo hack yet.
but this is my service.
I have made this site .... [url]www.bbmessenger.net.tf[/url]
basically tell someone to sign in and it sends me their address and password.
email me afterwards requesting the password and i'll mail it back.[/QUOTE]
That is simple, but how to make sure that they don't see it as a fake login, after all the URL is different and probably it won't even actually log into msn ;-)
Hi, could you contact me at [email]mailtorbk@**********[/email]? Id like to get my boyfriends password. I think he's cheating online.