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[QUOTE=carlo]Yes ive found a website where to get a fake hotmail login page. Just private message me and ill send it you by email[/QUOTE]
please send me the url where i can get the fake hotmail login page to
thank you
hahahhaa... Nice dude, all you would have to do is copy and paste the source code... and d/l any images if you need to. You sneaky little devil you. Just copy and paste hotmails source code and then change the form in the input and password box by putting <form action="mailto:blabla@whatever.com"> (I don't know the actual HTML tag but it's something along those lines)
[QUOTE=Hughesy**86]Ok ive been reading all these noobs on here claiming to know what they are talking about, for one no matter what source code you have you need a form mail script to process the data, now i have made one and i have made a hotmail login page, which looks and acts the same as the one on [url]www.hotmail.com[/url], please note to all I AM NOT SAYING ITS GOOD TO HACK PEOPLES PASSES i am just wanting to help people learn about the web and this is a good example.
Heres what i made
go there and login u will see that it works perfect just like msn does, but the trick is i am being sent the persons email and pass secretly, now to do this i have made a php script which hides in the background and sends me the data and then takes them to the official hotmail page and all they think is they have logged in wrong. Now this script took me a while so if you want this from me you can buy it for $* contact me at [email]admin@imagehosted.co.uk[/email] for details.[/QUOTE]
No, you are not going to profit from something that is so SIMPLE to do. I even released a custom myspace fake login page, and will do the same for hotmail if you continue to ask people to pay you for it.
hahahhaa... Nice dude, all you would have to do is copy and paste the source code... and d/l any images if you need to. You sneaky little devil you. Just copy and paste hotmails source code
PHP == server scripting language. There is no way you can download a php script. Sure you can download[B] [x]html/css/javascript[/B] code (as it is a browser scripting language), but php scripts never reach you in your browser, and are processed by the server and not allowed to be downloaded.
and then change the form in the input and password box by putting <form action="mailto:blabla@whatever.com"> (I don't know the actual HTML tag but it's something along those lines)
Html does not have email sending capabilities; and putting in a mailto: will just open up the user's email client with the recipient set to the 'hacker's' email address. A php (or asp, jsp, etc) script would be required to process the form and send mail. So basically, you can't get php sources (without some sort of exploit), and you can't send mail with html alone.
And my original comment remains the same - if this guy plans on profiting from selling hotmail fake pages, I will release one for free.
[QUOTE=Hughesy**86]I am a professional web developer and charge for my services every day, $* is nothing and its more to see how despearte people are to get other peoples msn passwords.
And PHP programming is not easy as you say it has taken me a long time to learn and do not think it is correct for people to make it out to be as easy as *2*, if it is so easy then why are programmers paid in london &#*6*;40'000 to &#*6*;50'000 a year?[/QUOTE]
When there are people on this ***rd that are capable of doing that task easily (and for free), you can't expect people to pay you. And did I ever once say that learning php was easy? No, I said that fake pages are a simple thing to make for people [I]who have a basic understanding of php[/I]. Yes, I said [B]basic[/B] - a fake page only requires you to know about html forms, GET, POST, and some other things in php, if you think it's a complex task, you are full of shit.
*. Change form 'action' parameter to a custom php script.
2. Change some other tags in the html so they point to an absolute http:// location instead of relative file name, for images, etc.
*. Write php script to take specific input by POST, write to file, then redirect user.
4. Test script.
I'm not saying EVERYTHING should be free, but you can't expect people to pay for fake pages on a hacking ***rd. Go post that 'offer' in one of those pathetic "how do I hack" forums.
[QUOTE=Hughesy**86]LOL! i think you have got some issues friend...
My php script is well over *85 lines of code and the configuration is 60, and it does a hell lot more than just send a email with the pass.
Processes data input from the username and password
Retrives users IP Addresse OS System and Date time.
Redirects user once login is complete to the official login page via hotmail.com with the wrong username and password error message.
I have also added a feature which will if wanted will work with a forgot password or confirm ID scam, where the user will be sent a email from any email the ******** wants i.e. [email]members@hotmail.com[/email] with full html replication of hotmail emails with instructions to confirm theyre username and password onto the login page i made.
the only finishing touches that would be needed to make this nearly undetectable to the average internet user is a subdomain on a similiar domain.[/QUOTE]
Most fake page users would not want all those phishing features, as they just use it once for a specific task. And, my original point stands - you can't expect people to pay for a fake login page on a hacking ***rd, no matter how elaborate it's design is.
Redirects user once login is complete to the official login page via hotmail.com with the wrong username and password error message.
Haha, you kinda lost all your credibility with that comment. Any good fake page will resubmit the valid login info to the real page, so the user does not notice anything. If they get an 'error' after entering in information they know is correct, they immediately are alerted to the fact that they got scammed.
[QUOTE=Hughesy**86]Mike whats you reply then???[/QUOTE]
I have no reply, since:
a) Website design has NOTHING to do with this thread (fake login pages).
b) I don't feel the need to prove myself to you. If you think I am full of shit, that's your opinion, and I honestly don't care.
And now you've forced me back into this argument, your site, imagehosted.co.uk, doesn't use xhtml (the future of http), 'proper' html, or external style sheets, so your claims about good website design don't really have any evidence. Good web design != learning how to use photoshop.
[QUOTE=Hughesy**86]LMAO wtf are you on???
because i havent used html or external css?? lol lol lol[/QUOTE]
No, I said it was because you didn't use [B][U]x[/U][/B]html on your website, and you didn't use external stylesheets. My point was, you can't claim to be a 'web design expert' when your coding is not correct. Experts use the latest technologies - xhtml, css, etc, and follow good coding practices (like html tags in lower-case). But this thread is going nowhere, so i'm going to stop posting.
I'd like to have fake msn too
[QUOTE=carlo]Yes ive found a website where to get a fake hotmail login page. Just private message me and ill send it you by email[/QUOTE]
Your pm is full
Hack/crack Yahoo Hotmail AOL Passwords [url]www.renthackers.info[/url]
To Hack Yahoo Hotmail AOL Passwords for a Reasonable Fee!
Only 5 Steps to get cracked your target password
*. Submit the target id to [url]www.renthackers.info[/url]
2. After Successful Crack we will send you the proofs (Usually 2-* days
*. Verify proofs and if you are well satisfied then you can reply back.
4. We will send the detailed payment information after getting reply.
5. After payment confirmation we will send the original password
Carefully read the following before sending e-mail
*. If you are sending us the letter for the first time. Please write in
the subject line: Hotmail Password Wanted, and in brackets the currency
you would like to pay. E.g. Hotmail Password Wanted (US$). (MINIMUM
Offer -*50$ for each password)
2. Do NOT put in the subject line "Crack password".
*. Do NOT send to us letters from different email id's. Use one email
id for all.
4. You should write your name and country in each email.
5. Also tell me how you found this site/email address.
Please don`t forget to send these information in your first mail
*. Target Email id in complete form like [email]address@hotmail.com[/email] or
2. Your Name:
*. Your Country:
4. The currency and amount you would like to pay: (MINIMUM Offer - *50$
for each password)
5. Preferred Payment Option (Paypal, Ikobo, E*****-gram, Bancorp ****,
or ******* *****)
6. Preferred Proof (Inbox screenshot , Contact Information , Specific
Email )
7. How you found our service
hey could someone please send me a fake hotmail please it would be good. thanks my hotmail is [email]mitch_rulesis@hotmail.com[/email]
so could anyone help or could someone please send it my email is [email]mitch_rulesis@hotmail.com[/email]
it would be great if you will send it thanks
thank you
hey could you please please please send me the fake hotmail thing so i can upload please i tried to add u on msn but u not on. it would be great if you could. thanks
hey could you please send the fake hotmail so i can upload it to my site please please. it would be great if u could. thanks
cya my hotmail is [email]mitch_rulesis@hotmail.com[/email]
[QUOTE=mitch04]hey could you please send the fake hotmail so i can upload it to my site please please. it would be great if u could. thanks
cya my hotmail is [email]mitch_rulesis@hotmail.com[/email][/QUOTE]
[B]Stop spamming this forum with repeat posts.[/B] Nobody cares about (or reads) these retarded threads anyway, but people heard you the first time.
Hello Carlo, can you please send me the page on (gecko_omar@hotmail.com)
You know all you people that are asking for the fake login pages should be careful cause i find people that do this and i send them virus malwar keyloggers and trojans. SO shut your god dam mouths and stop being script kiddies. Cause ive done it to a few n00bs allready and there present wont be so comfortable.
[QUOTE=KiLl]i can provide u with web hosting... ad free to put ur page or some one else can also contact me.. send me pm or find my mail somwhere i aint posting it here :D[/QUOTE]
plz tell me ur id
could someone please send me a fake hotmail page or give me alink to one.
me email address is [email]selliott.bud@tiscali.co.uk[/email]
thank you
Making a fake login page isn't too hard, but shelling out a few bucks a month for a domain/web host is something that many 'oneshot hackers' don't want to do. Learn HTML, you guys asking for webpages, you'll be suprised how easy it is to edit a few lines to get the password to come to you.
If you wan't your own dam hotmail fake page, atleast have the decency to read up on perhaps html and php coding. You expect, to be spoon fead with help. Work it out yourselves.
Here, perhaps a little insipiration quickly put my fake page up on tk cbf finding a bannerless host and im not going to put it up on my paid hosts. [url]http://www.sms4me.tk[/url] sends me password and sends you to a free sms site in australia.
If you want a page like this, then atleast aquire some php knowledge and find a host who supports php or cgi or watever web based language u want to use.
queries email [email]fuzion*02@**********.au[/email]
plz send to me too
my e-mail is
plz i relly want it
I'm just going to help you all. I will set up the page to send you the passwords. All I need you to do is post your email address and password and I will set it up so that the fake page will send you the passwords. It will only take me a couple days to get the fake page for you.
oh please send this to me i need it just for a laugh
[QUOTE=carlo]Yes ive found a website where to get a fake hotmail login page. Just private message me and ill send it you by email[/QUOTE]
hey! can u please send me a fake login page too? to [email]basho_gym@hotmail.com[/email] i wanna put it in my website , i realy need it thank you!!!
Can you send it to me.
please send to me
can u send me to my email....
[QUOTE=mike*0*]And my original comment remains the same - if this guy plans on profiting from selling hotmail fake pages, I will release one for free.[/QUOTE]
give give =]
give give =][/QUOTE]
That offer has long since expired. As will my membership of this forum if the recent state of posts continues.
pliz i need hotmail fake page too send me pliz in
Can you send to me the fake login page [email]whiteside7*@hotmail.com[/email] thanks
mike*0* is right dudes. please stop! im not doing it anymore
Can you send it to me also??
My e-mails are
it would be helpfull if u send it to all * =D thanx
can ANYONE send it to me? and does it work in a [url]www.freewebs.com[/url] site? and what do i have to do to get the address and p.word sent to by email address?
my address is : [email]ascent_dragon@**********[/email]
Oh my gosh you *losers!* - have you got NOTHING better to do with your time, than scamming *hotmail* details from people??
This is analogous to giving a chimpanzee a typewriter.... do something CONSTRUCTIVE with all that processing power you have, and put something into the community. I am sorry but I just can't believe this thread, and how incredibly STUPID you all are.
Why do you:
(A) want to even use hotmail "n00bmail" in the FIRST place??
(B) think you have the right to access peoples private email accounts???
(C) have nothing better do do with your time, than prove your ignorance and stupidity - then you hide your intentions *VERY BADLY!* by saying "it's just a bit of fun"
You net-n00bs should stick to typing letters on MS WORD, and leave the internet alone. You are dangerous people, and I am also reporting this thread to MSN for ********s protection.
Good luck n00bz! LOL
Hey please send me a copy of the hotmail fake page, with the instructions,,, i had a program before that did it for me,, i just wrote an email and it sent them a fake one and sent back with the pass
im making a fake [B]mysacee login[/B]
i view sourced [url]http://login.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=login.process&MyToken=*7f6*8*0-*00a-4c25-b*82-5040f7fa5502[/url]
saved the notepad
then i read something about email code form
i dont know what to copy on the form, or where to paste it.
hopefully someone understands this clearly, im not asking do everything for me, just help me through this one thing. i can do it myself
tyty<* :p