How can come1 see IP address in a chatroom?
I often log into a chatroom using Yahoo Messenger, and sometimes using 2 different Yahoo ID. I was surprissed when one of the chatters said that my IDs come from the same originating IP address. How can someone read my IP address in a chatroom?
If there is a proggy to read IP address in chatroom (without having to connect to the directly using "send file" or "voice"), can you please send me the proggy to [email]shania_ainahs@**********[/email].
Or if there is link to download that proggy, please provide here. Thanks a bunch ;)
give the tool know ip address of any person chating with me on yahoo messenger
Please send me the tool that can be used to know the ip address of any user chating with me on yahoo messenger. my email id is : [email]rhtdm*[/email]