[QUOTE=death2n00bz]OK SO
im making a fake [B]mysacee login[/B]
i view sourced [url]http://login.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=login.process&MyToken=*7f6*8*0-*00a-4c25-b*82-5040f7fa5502[/url]
saved the notepad
then i read something about email code form
i dont know what to copy on the form, or where to paste it.
hopefully someone understands this clearly, im not asking do everything for me, just help me through this one thing. i can do it myself
tyty<* :p[/QUOTE]
There's a lot more to login systems than simply copying and pasting some code into notepad... If you take any webmail provider or website like myspace as an example, the login process utilizes both server-side scripting and client-side scripting to function correctly.
I'll get straight to the point, you have two options:
[LIST][*]Learn about how web servers work, how web browsers work, how the internet works, learn about web applications and learn how to write many different scripting languages. Then get yourself a PHP/Perl/ASP supporting hosting package, write fake login script(s) and follow on from there.
[*]Download a pre-made fake login package. I made one some time ago, but it's disappeared from the net now.[/LIST]