plz send it to my account [EMAIL="farazwaseem*"]farazwaseem*[/EMAIL]
if u send it to my id ill give u $5
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plz send it to my account [EMAIL="farazwaseem*"]farazwaseem*[/EMAIL]
if u send it to my id ill give u $5
hi there i want the fake msn screen if possible??
my email is [email][/email]
I have 5 days chating with someone that said to me that will kill me.
But I want to know who he is.
Please give that to me if possible.
With respect : akili@matrix.
my adress [email][/email]
just stop chatting with him.:D
could u plz send me the fake msn site. thnx
My email is [email][/email]
does anyone know how to hack into a computer when u have the ip address?
ive tried telnet but it takes forever to "connect" and it never does:confused:
can someone please email me a fake login msn messenger page please?
[QUOTE=bjr*204;***2*]does anyone know how to hack into a computer when u have the ip address?
ive tried telnet but it takes forever to "connect" and it never does:confused:[/QUOTE]
Telnet is simply a tool to send and receive raw network communication, free of any application protocols. Telnet can do the same any program on your computer can do, it's just a tool for examining the data a server program will send back to you.
Telnet probably won't connect to a random IP address for three reasons:
[LIST][*]The IP address is probably that of a home user, who is probably behind a router or some sort of firewall. If they are behind a router, no incoming communications will elicit any sort of response (unless they explicitly tell the router to), and most people don't even know how to.
[*]Even if the machine was accessible to the Internet, it's unlikely they are running any programs that are listening for connections on the network (i.e. server programs). Telnet can only connect to computers on a specific port that a program is listening on.
[*]The syntax of the telnet command is:
[B]telnet address port[/B]
...where address is either an IP address or a host name, and port is a... port.
Where was I, yeah, you're probably using telnet like this:
t[B]elnet address[/B]
Without a port, telnet uses port 2* (the telnet protocol port).[/LIST]
I wish people would stop spreading around the idea that telnet is some sort of elite hacking tool...
not true
telnet can also listen to other ports as long as u indicate what port u want it to
but well do u know how to make the msn fake login page?
dont think im a total dumbass for asking this but
if u wanna turn off the norton antivirus thing do u have to uninstall it?
cuz it doesnt have a turnoff option
its like always on
ok so ive managed to steal ip addresses and there are ways to hack once u got them
ive heard about telnet and that but it wouldnt work
so then is there anohter way?
[QUOTE=bjr*204;***45]not true
telnet can also listen to other ports as long as u indicate what port u want it to[/QUOTE]
From the telnet man page:
[CODE]The telnet command is used for interactive communication [B]with another host[/B] using the TELNET protocol.[/CODE]
If you meant telnet can connect to other ports, yes, that is true, as I said in my post. Here's the syntax (from above):
[B]telnet address port[/B]
[B]telnet [url][/url] 80[/B]
[QUOTE]if u wanna turn off the norton antivirus thing do u have to uninstall it?
cuz it doesnt have a turnoff option
its like always on[/QUOTE]
It's probably installed by the administrator, and having a convenient 'switch off' button for all unprivileged users would make it kind of pointless. You would probably have to be logged on to the administrator account to remove it.
In fact, I think Norton can be quite difficult to remove. Here's something I found (again, you probably have to be the administrator):
[QUOTE]ok so ive managed to steal ip addresses and there are ways to hack once u got them
ive heard about telnet and that but it wouldnt work
so then is there anohter way?[/QUOTE]
Read what I wrote above:
[QUOTE]# The IP address is probably that of a home user, who is probably behind a router or some sort of firewall. If they are behind a router, no incoming communications will elicit any sort of response (unless they explicitly tell the router to), and most people don't even know how to.
# Even if the machine was accessible to the Internet, it's unlikely they are running any programs that are listening for connections on the network (i.e. server programs).[/QUOTE]
Guyz, someone (i dont know him) hacked my girlfriends hotmail and stole some information(2days ago) and now he tries to extord. I know his email adress and his (static) IP. I dont know anything about hacking, can someone PLZ send me a [B]fake hotmail login [/B] or something better i can use. I just want to look at his inbox and delete some info. (he said he had some info in his inbox!)
my email: [email][/email]
if u wanna get someones password the best way to do it is creating a hyperficial email such as an email like [email][/email]
and then make up and email to a person whom u want their password
tell them something like "we have encountered a problem, we will be needing your hotmail id and password to verify ur account has not been affected"
us more educated statements and then also tell them to reply to ur emial
haha it worked with my friend and i got her password!!
but make it seem real
such as "our system has corrupted due to a harmful error..." and yeah!
[QUOTE=anuraghacker;*855*]:cool: hahaha....i know how to make fake login hotmail screen that provides me the password of the victim in a second:cool:[/QUOTE]
Hey can u help me get a fake hotmail screen :)
my e-mail [email][/email]
Can someone send me please the code of a fake hotmail registration screen?
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