recover photos from iphone
Hi everybody,
I can't understand how to do this. When I open my phone , I see my all photos has been deleted and i want to
[URL="*.0.0l4.4*7*.**055.0.*504*.22.*2.0.*0.*0.0.76*.**67.0j*j6j0j2j0j*.*0.0...0.0.AA_*fNXvKvg&pbx=*&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=*600&bih=775&ech=*&psi=zBrqT5fWOKmH8AGwmbFa.**40742***45*.*&emsg=NCSR&noj=*&ei=2BrqT-XxK4PQ2wWDhITCAQ"]recover photos from iphone [/URL] . How I can get these deleted data.
Plz help and s***est me.
Thanks for your s***estion
recover deleted video iphone
Hello everybody,
what is the proceess of [URL=""]recover deleted video iphone [/URL]
Plz any tell me .I have no idea about this problem.
Thanks For your advise & Help
recover lost notes on iPhone
If you backup with iTunes and you restored from the backup and the notes were gone, then there is no where to retrieve them from unless you have another backup that contains those notes.
Launch iTunes on the computer and go to iTunes>Preferences>Devices. You will see a window with all of your backups listed in it.
If you see a recent backup that you are certain contains the notes that you need, recover lost notes from iPhone backup.
I think this might be of use to you.
More info for you:
recover photos from iPhone
Check if you have iTunes or iCloud backup of your iPhone first, if you have either of them, try to restore with previous backup.
iTunes and iCloud will automatically back up your iPhone even if have set it manually:
iCloud automatically backs up the most important data on your iPhone on a daily basis as long as your device is:
Connected to the Internet over Wi-Fi
Connected to a power source
Screen locked
iTunes can create backups of your iPhone automatically when you sync with iTunes (disabled if you have iCloud backup turned on).
But if you have no backup files on iTunes and iCloud. You'd better select some iPhone data recovery software to recover deleted photos directly. This method is very suitable for those often forget to backup data.
Remember to back up data frequently.