a few ?'s
Whats a good way to hide my IP? where are the hashes for passwords located on a computer? if i want to break into a site such as myspace or some other blogging or social site what tools would be s***ested? where can i get these tools? this is all theoretical just for play time for me and working on my network at the business i work at. how would i go about cracking a tkip that doesnt have a set key its set to a key that changes every few minutes? how would i go about breaking a wep key from my home computer to someones wireless network? just trying to learn a bit more so sorry about the ?'s
Also none of this will be done to anyones personal computers or anyones server other then my own. this is just for my knowledge. also if you would rather email me. Email me at
[QUOTE=Tenz;22*48]Whats a good way to hide my IP?[/QUOTE]
The technology to transfer entire books into someones brain has not come out yet, but when it does I will notify you via PM.
[QUOTE=SyntaX******;22*6*]The technology to transfer entire books into someones brain has not come out yet, but when it does I will notify you via PM.[/QUOTE]
no need to be a smart ass! i just figure might as well bust out all the ?'s in one post rather then *0 lil ones. . . whats wrong with that?
Syntax****** is right. I'll take one example to express my point:
[QUOTE]if i want to break into a site such as myspace or some other blogging or social site what tools would be s***ested?[/QUOTE]
A web browser would be your main tool, plus several years of web-programming and security experience. It's not a case of giving step-by-step instructions.
The analogy I always use:
This is the same as asking "how do I write a book?". You have to learn to write in a very advanced level, and on top of that have a ton of creativity.
Above all, [B]you have to learn[/B]. We can't teach you everything there is to know. It's in your hands.
And use google. [url]http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%*Aen-US%*Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&q=hide+my+ip+address&btnG=Google+Search[/url]
[QUOTE=mike*5*;22***]Syntax****** is right. I'll take one example to express my point:
A web browser would be your main tool, plus several years of web-programming and security experience. It's not a case of giving step-by-step instructions.
The analogy I always use:
This is the same as asking "how do I write a book?". You have to learn to write in a very advanced level, and on top of that have a ton of creativity.
Above all, [B]you have to learn[/B]. We can't teach you everything there is to know. It's in your hands.[/QUOTE]
Well im not exaclty asking you to teach me. . what i am asking is to show me where to start. . .hiding ur ip i could use proxies and little programs to do and some other things but for creating my own keylogger or brute forcer i just want to learn and i need to know where to start i do use google but just quicker to get an answer from here if i could rather than search through thousands of pages and not find what im looking for. so just give me a place to start please and thank you!
[url]http://www.w*schools.com/[/url] All the information you need to get started can be found here. It is like learning to walk, you can not try to run before you have taken your first step. Once you accept this, you will learn quickly.
Yes, programming is the beginning. Syntax's recommended site is the place to go for all your web-programming needs.