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Thread: Find IP Adress?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Find IP Adress?

    Im trying to figure out if something on Youtube is Viral Marketing and I know the guy posting it but I dont know how to get an IP Address from a member of a Website. I know how to get the IP Address of a Website though, but that doesnt help any. I want to know if there in the sane city as the game and some other stuff to figure it all out.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by burkey View Post
    Im trying to figure out if something on Youtube is Viral Marketing and I know the guy posting it but I dont know how to get an IP Address from a member of a Website. I know how to get the IP Address of a Website though, but that doesnt help any. I want to know if there in the sane city as the game and some other stuff to figure it all out.

    Websites don't display user information such as IP addresses to anyone except administrators (or moderators, on a forum). To get users' IP addresses, you have to get them to take an action that shares this information with you.

    The easiest way is to set up a temporary website and upload a server-side script (PHP, Perl, Python, etc) to log all IP addresses that request that script. Send a link only to your target user, and their current IP address will be logged for you. Remember that this IP address may have been re-allocated to a different ISP subscriber even before you got around to viewing the logs.

    After this, you can use this to get the information of that user's ISP:


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ok so how do i do that exactly?

    if its too much too explain email me at [email][/email]
    thanks. also if it is viral marketing the user would reply to any messages or anything.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by burkey View Post
    ok so how do i do that exactly?

    if its too much too explain email me at [email][/email]
    thanks. also if it is viral marketing the user would reply to any messages or anything.
    Try Googling yourself some tutorials on the topic of website-creating, website-administration, browser scripts and server scripts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Hi all!

    Quote Originally Posted by mike*5* View Post
    Websites don't display user information such as IP addresses to anyone except administrators (or moderators, on a forum). To get users' IP addresses, you have to get them to take an action that shares this information with you.

    The easiest way is to set up a temporary website and upload a server-side script (PHP, Perl, Python, etc) to log all IP addresses that request that script. Send a link only to your target user, and their current IP address will be logged for you. Remember that this IP address may have been re-allocated to a different ISP subscriber even before you got around to viewing the logs.

    After this, you can use this to get the information of that user's ISP:

    Hi everyone. I have been trying to figure out how a 'member' of a forum figured out someone's IP address through a PM sent to him???. I understand from the above that that is iimpossible, but obviously this guy did and posted that information on the website that he knew this person's IP address. I suspect this 'unethical' person is the web****** of the forum but not sure of it.

    I searched this forum for an answer, but i found nothing so wouuld anyone please tell me how is it it possible for a regular member to figure out an IP from a private message.

    Thanks. I'm really curious because this member is abusive and I would hate to think that he is the web****** of that site knowing that he has all our private information.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by netperson View Post
    Hi everyone. I have been trying to figure out how a 'member' of a forum figured out someone's IP address through a PM sent to him???. I understand from the above that that is iimpossible, but obviously this guy did and posted that information on the website that he knew this person's IP address. I suspect this 'unethical' person is the web****** of the forum but not sure of it.

    I searched this forum for an answer, but i found nothing so wouuld anyone please tell me how is it it possible for a regular member to figure out an IP from a private message.
    You can get IP addresses by getting people to click links, embedding images, etc. Or, by being the forum admin/moderator. It's no big deal.

    Thanks. I'm really curious because this member is abusive and I would hate to think that he is the web****** of that site knowing that he has all our private information.

    An IP address is hardly personal. All they can do is find out your ISP. If they can break into your computer remotely, you have bigger problems.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by mike*5* View Post
    You can get IP addresses by getting people to click links, embedding images, etc. Or, by being the forum admin/moderator. It's no big deal.

    An IP address is hardly personal. All they can do is find out your ISP. If they can break into your computer remotely, you have bigger problems.
    I know that only mod/admins can but this guy is just a regular member claimed he got someone's IP only t hrough PM. Apparently the person who he got the IP from said he didn't click on anything.....

    IP is not private but considering that this guy is a such a untrustworthy member I would not trust him as admin. So it would safe to assume that he is maybe the admin or it is he's just a regular member who imbedded some images which were clicked on???

    Sorry to sound so erratic but I just wanted to have some idea how it is possible for a member to have access to IPs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by netperson View Post
    IP is not private but considering that this guy is a such a untrustworthy member I would not trust him as admin. So it would safe to assume that he is maybe the admin or it is he's just a regular member who imbedded some images which were clicked on???
    He could be either.

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