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Thread: Need to crack DOS application

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Need to crack DOS application

    I'm using a really old DOS app (which I purchased years ago) for my business. However, the hard drive on which it is installed is dying and I would like to transfer it to a virtual PC. The existing PC runs Windows *8. If I try to simply copy the files from one PC to another, it pops up a message asking for a code and stating that it's not authorised. I have tried cloning the hard disk, but with the same problems. I have swapped out all other hardware components (MB/CPU etc) with no issues. I have also copied the entire program directory and renamed the original; this worked fine. Finally, I tried to edit a VMWare machine to have the same hard disk serial as the original. This didn't seem to work either. I'm now totally stuck! Does anyone have any thoughts how this app knows when it's not on the original hard drive and how I could get around this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I would think cloing your hard drive to an external hard drive and then back into the first one(once the bad one is replaced) should work. [url]http://www.downloadsquad.com/2008/0*/05/5-free-apps-to-clone-your-hard-drive/[/url]
    Maybe one of the others will know more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Unless there's some hardware device to prevent it - I'm surprised the clone disk method didn't work. Are you sure the disk was cloned properly and you restored onto the same partition structure - i.e. duplicated any other drives that might have existed.

    Does the program require network access, is there some configuration file on a networked drive, do you need to map a drive somewhere for the program to run? Check any configuration files or registry entries with the program to see if there's any clues in them.

    There's a program called 'application mover', (just google) that might be worth a try which scans all registry entries, ini files and moves them to new location.

    Just some random thoughts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Need to crack DOS application

    see if you had of read the readme for the crack properly you would of read that u have to copy the .fl and .fi files to your hdd to where ff8 is installed plus the disk*/2/*/4.pak files and the disk */2/*/4 locater files the really small disk*/2/*/4 files

    copy all them then crack it and ull be fine plus u need the gforce patch to solve the prob for the crash on disk 2 even if you dont have a gforce card

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
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