What first sparked my interest in programming was when I learned HTML and was able to get immediate results with a language that was really forgiving in its syntax, had I jumped straight into any other language I probably would have given up. If your looking to do anything web-related like web applications, websites, etc HTML could be a good start. If your looking to program computer applications and software I would recommend starting with Python. In my opinion it is the most English-like when compared to Java or C++. Other good options are Objective-C (especially for iPhone and Mac OS development) and PHP (for web programming). Start with one and learn it well. If you want to go the web route [url]http://www.w*[/url] has great tutorials. If you are learning python or php use [url][/url] and [url][/url] as a reference. With C++ I've always used a book with my classes but there are resources out there. I've used [url][/url] before.