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Thread: Help, need something link the Real Ip Finder Program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Help, need something link the Real Ip Finder Program

    I really need help. For my site, to make sure users haven't signed up twice I need to see that their ips are different. I am currently using this to find the ip:

    [PHP]$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];[/PHP]

    Now, this will not help me if someone is behind a proxy. The program on this site (in the tools section) can identify alot of proxies (except for very secure ones). Does anyone know the code for this, or a similar one. I liked that this program would :

    *. Tell you the original ip
    2. It told you that a proxy was deteced even if it couldn't get the original ip.
    *. I pretty much liked the entire script.

    THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps: I might offer a small reward for help

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    I can't really help you but.... if your visitors have a dynamic ip you could get the same person with different ip's.

    I have a site with surf cams and some ip's addressess change frequently. Mine at home is dynamic and it hardly changes but others change everytime they disconnect from the internet (close their browser).

    For example:If my son, signed up, his ip would be the same as mine since we use a router. And If we had a static ip, our ip would be the same, all the time, even though we are two different viewers.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Now, on this site one person signs up, and referrs other people to get a prize kinda like that free ipod site. Now, I know that like if I reset my dsl modem right now I will have a different IP. The ip however is very similar. If I am just checking similarities between one account and the 5 people they referred, I can tell if the ip difference is like **.55.*** and **.55.*57. This is just one of many ways I want to combat fraud.

    Now, the best ip detector I have tried is that one on:


    I like how even if it doesn't tell you your ip, it says you are behind a proxy. If anyone could give me that script, I would reward you.


  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest

    Thumbs up

    your social engineering technique is very good. and combined with a little bit of asskissing, it just might get you exactly where you want to go (learning about seeing ip`s behind a proxy - if that is even possible... i don't know). anyway, nice job!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    LOL! What?

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