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Thread: STALKER help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Question STALKER help!


    I have been under constant harassment by a stalker. He/She monitors all my net activity, changes ads of pages I visit to tell me that I am being stalked. When I search any image on Google images he/she somehow mixes their own image in at the end of the search results.

    Can someone help me to prevent this and to know how he/she maybe doing it. Because Google can not be messed with. I need some answers. Please help...

    Thank you >*86;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Chances are you have some kind of malware on your computer.Do you have a good virus scanner and is your fireeall enabled? All virus scanners are not equal. I prefer Kaspersky internet security. It is legendary for being hard to bypass.
    There are other programs that can assist your virus scanner in finding malware. Malwarebytes anti-malware free is a good one.
    Another one is combofix.

    Is your home network secure? If using a router is encryption enabled?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Scan for malwares and viruses in your computer and install a much safer one to be sure that this won't affect you. Use vpn to be more safe and protected.

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