I just found one of my old dyndns accounts, so I decided to run an irc server for some people I know on other sites and my website, so if anyone from this forum wants to join, it will be running from (given in gmt so you can convert to your local time, use [url]http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc[/url]) 7pm GMT to *0pm GMT. The dyndns host name I am using will be <removed>, and I have forwarded ports 666*-666* to use for irc. When you connect, you can join #chat*, where you can prove yourself and be given the password to #irc, the main channel. After that time, I am busy, so the server will be disconnected. So connect to <removed> on any port between 666*-666*, and join #chat*. This is running directly from my computer, so if I get a lot of people joining, it will lag my connection (only *mbit/s), but I don't expect a lot of people to join.