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Thread: Computer ebooks

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Computer ebooks

    Linux Bible - 2007 Edition:This resource serves as the perfect transition tool for anyone coming from Windows or Macintosh who wants to use Linux as a desktop system and needs to choose which distribution is best for them
    Windows Vista for Starters 2007: Publisher: O\'Reilly Media (January 25, 2007)
    Java 4th Edition:Start building powerful programs with Java 6R*2;fast! Get an overview of Java 6 and begin building your own programs.
    Windows Vista Secrets:"If one book can help you ****** Vista, this is it." --Fred Langa, former editor-in-chief of Byte Magazine
    "These two know more about Windows than Microsoft does." --Chris Pirillo, editor of [url][/url]
    Microsoft Project 2007 Bible: [url][/url]
    Excel 2007 Bible:This book is a single reference that's indispensable for Excel beginners, intermediate users, power users, and would-be power users everywhere : [url][/url]
    Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Inside Out: [url][/url]
    Excel Workbook: [url]*qs5t*[/url]
    Rar Pass-: 4shar*ng
    JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition:
    CompTIA A+ Certification (2007):
    Oracle Database *0g OCP Certification All-In-One Exam Guide:
    Computer Power User April 2007:
    Rar Pass: 4shar*ng
    MacWorld April 2007:
    Rar Pass:4shar*ng File deleted thats ok next one will be on many sites
    PC Today May 2007:[url]**42*60/PC.Today_May.2007.pdf[/url]
    Rar Pass:4shar*ng
    Computer Shopper May 2007
    Rar Pass:4shar*ng
    PC Magazine April 2007:
    Rar Pass:4shar*ng
    SmartComputer May 2007:
    Rar Pass:4shar*ng
    set of books:*2 Windows Vista and Office 2007 Books
    The Art of Assembly Language by Randall Hyde sells for $*7.77
    Free Direct download: [url][/url]
    Here's my entire C++ programming ebook collection 4* Total: First
    Accelerated C++ Practical Programming by Example Advanced Cobra Programming with C++
    Applied C++ / Techniques for Building Better Software /Beginning C++ Game Programming
    Beyond the C++ Standard Library - An Introduction to Boost /C++ Advanced *D Game Programming with DirectX *.0
    C++ by Dissection/ C++ Coding Standards - *0* Rules Guidelines / C++ Complete Reference / C++ Cookbook
    C++ Demystified - A Self-Teaching Guide /C++ Design Generic Programming /C++ for Business Programming, 2nd Edition
    C++ for Dummies, 5th Edition / C++ for Real Programmers / C++ How to Program, 5th Edition / C++ in a Nutshell
    C++ In Action Industrial Strength Programming Techniques / C++ Plus Data Structures / C++ Primer Plus, 4th Edition
    C++ Primer, 4th Edition / C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner / C++ Programming with Cobra C++ Reverse Engineering / C++ Standard Library - A Tutorial and Reference / C++ Templates - The Complete Guide
    C++ Timesaving Techniques for Dummies / C++ Unleashed / Core C++ - A Software Engineer's Approach
    Data Structures and Algorithms with Object Oriented Design Patterns in C++ Data Structures and Problem Solving in C++
    Effective and More Effective C++
    Effective C++ Third Edition 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
    Essential C++ / Exceptional C++ Style 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming problems and solutions
    Game Programming All in One / How Not to Program in C++
    Linux C++ Programming - Howto / Modeling Derivatives in C++
    Modern C++ Design Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied /Professional C++
    Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ / The Art of C++ / The C++ Programming Language, *rd Edition
    The Elements of C++ Style / Theory and Problems of Programming with C++
    Thinking in C++ (Vol *. and 2) / Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus
    You Can Program in C++ - A Programmer's Introduction:
    Less Books: [url]*4*8*5*/Ebooks_for_mavrick.rar[/url]
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professional Visual Studio 2005: [url]*6*070/Wrox.Professional.Visual.Studio.2005.Aug.2006.rar[/url]
    More c++ books:*A Programmer's Introduction to C# - APress Second
    *Addison Wesley - Windows Forms Programming In Csharp - 200*
    *Apress Beginning ASP NET 2 0 in C Sharp 2005 From Novice to Professional
    *C Shap in a Nutshell
    *C# - Your Visual Blueprint for building Net applications
    *C# NET Web Developer's Guide
    *C# Bible
    *C# COM+ Programming
    *C# FAQ for C++ Programmers
    *C# for Java Programmers
    *C# Primer - A Practical Approach
    *C# Programming for the Absolute Beginner
    *CSharp Essentials, 2nd Edition
    *Inside C Sharp, 2nd Edition
    *Learning C Shap
    *Mcft C# Language Reference
    *OOP with Mcft VB NET and C# Step By Step
    *OReilly C Sharp Cookbook 2nd Edition Jan 2006
    *Pro C# 2005 and the NET 2 0 Platform (Apress, *rd Ed)
    *Programming CSharp, 2nd Edition
    *Programming Mcft Windows with C#
    *Visual C# NET Developer's Handbook
    *Wiley - Wrox - 2005 - Professional C# (III Edition)
    C++ Books: Rar 2
    *Addison Wesley C Plus Plus By Dissection
    *Borland c++ builder the complete reference
    *Borland C++ Power Programming
    *C & C++ Programming Style Guidlines
    *C++ Annotations
    *C++ Coding Standard
    *C++ --Complete Reference (*rd Ed )
    *C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook
    *Cryptography in C and C plus plus
    *Essential c++
    *The C++ Programming Language Special *rd Edition
    Total size, mb: *46.467
    Password: Type in when unzipping Rar Pick between the first or second or download both.
    Links work as of 4/*7/07 Will add more. GET THEM WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!

    Here's WinRar *.70 If you don't know how to use it. After you have installed it, right click the file you want to unrar & press Extract Files.

    Heres the key to make it a full version. Copy it to: c/programs/winwar. Open up winrar click help go to about winrar and see if it's full version instead of the 40 days one. Trust me it will be full version .Works for any winrar.
    WinRar_Lifetime_KEY....: [url]*068*-***[/url]
    Links work as of 4/27/07
    Last edited by Tito; 04-27-2007 at 03:48 AM.

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