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Thread: Tutorials Section

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    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Tutorials Section

    The 'Tutorials' forum is a place to post tutorials either written by yourself or written by someone else. In the case of posting someone else's tutorial, you should give clear attribution; a "Written by [author]" line at the top with a link to original document should suffice.

    Aside from posting tutorials, feel free to comment on the tutorials (in the respective thread) and s***est improvements to the author (again, keep it to the original thread).

    What follows is a list of things this forum is not for:
    • Tutorial requests
    • Links to tutorials
    • Advertisement of tutorial-related websites -- this forum is for content, not spam
    • Plagiarized content
    • Anything forbidden by the global 'All Net Tools Forum 2007 Rules' thread.
    • General discussion of any topics -- this should be placed in one of the other forums

    When such posts are made, they'll be deleted, edited or moved as per our forum rules. I believe it was D. Parker's intention for this section to be a valuable resource for security, programming, hacking and everything computer-related, so please try to follow the rules. Remember, this isn't a general discussion forum; it's a place to share useful tutorials. Keep the usual discussion (or anything you don't consider to be a tutorial) to the other forums, and come here when you have a tutorial to post.
    Last edited by Ezekiel; 05-18-2007 at 03:28 PM.

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