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Thread: Programming language choice: Java

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    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Programming language choice: Java

    Hey guys,

    Im new to the forum, stumbled across it lastnight. I really like the community here (or what i have seen of the 4-5 main posters ) and the information you guys provide, which is great!

    Anyway, this thread is to ask your opinion on the programming language I am learning.
    I study internet computing at uni and one of the things we are required to learn is Java (also a bit of PHP and JS). Now, I had a whole year to learn it, but with it being my first year and such, I kind of didn't learn it very well at all! (mainly due to going out with my friends) Im proficient with selection, loops, methods and arrays and thats about it.
    As I am doing another exam on java, this week im spending literraly every day, reading, coding, reading some more, coding, messing about with the code, etc, etc.

    So, what do you guys think of Java script, in terms of its power, in both processing and various tasks? And once I have an indepth, photographic knowledge of it, will I be able to write programs such as encryters and decrypters, port scanners and the like?
    I know it's no where near as good as C, but me being me, ill never learn something like C

    Stumbling across your forum really did give me a burst of enthusiasm for really getting to grips with programming. Hopefully, by the end of my next uni term, ill have a comprehensive knowlege of Java, PHP and JS. I already know html and can include css, but that isnt really what im incredibly interested in. Its good, but not completely my cup of coffee... mainly due to the fact that they are incredibly simple.

    I hope I can be a part of the community here. Will mainly be a lot of questions! Im mildy experienced with programming, and a lot of the technologies that are used on the internet. I've read bits and bobs over the years, but never really got my head down to learn them in depth (im damn lazy ). Its a sketchy kind of understanding lol.
    On the other hand i'm incredibly experience with the hardware side of computers, the fixing of and installation. I <* it, but then again I <* computers :P
    So, thats me, dunno how it turned into that. Just wanted to introduce myself

    Anyway, Cheers!


    Also, you guys have THE best thread I have ever seen on the internet, its was got me kicked started. It probably the only time I have seen a proper discussion where each party considers the others view. First time ive seen that in about *2 years! :O
    The thread is [URL=""]The double dutch thread...[/URL]

    EDIT: Wow, i didnt realise what a long thread I wrote :S oops. Ignore most of it lol. I kind of lost my question amounts all the blab.

    EDIT: and im an XP user I just cant get to grips with linux, have it on my other drive, all set up, but not used much! Its Fedora 7.
    Last edited by new_rez; 08-06-2008 at 01:44 PM.

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