Originally Posted by
Well one day i was browsing the web when my told me to go to this site when i did a popup came up and it said click here for your own custum drink holder when i did my CD drive opend up lol thats a good prank
after that i searched and searched for a script i could use for my site that will make the cd drive open like that but i couldent find one so do anyone know were i could get a htlm or script for one of thouse cool pranks to put onto my site!!
You will need to use activeX. Careful you might already have a trojan.
7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË
If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!