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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Smile Hello

    Ive been reading topics here for a few days now, so I decided to join. I am a script kiddy, and I know I want to find some I.P. addresses.

    How would I find an IP from an e-mail, or a myspace account?

    I'm not wanting to hack myspace, its a waste of time, I just want to learn a few basic things. I got to level 6 on I have a full version of Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2005, SQL server 2005, and also an iMac that runs Darwin UNIX. I also know an IP I want to "play with" and if anyone can help me would you please e-mail me at [email]AaronDavies0*@**********[/email], and please, don't give me a trojan or somthing.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by iDavies View Post
    Ive been reading topics here for a few days now, so I decided to join. I am a script kiddy, and I know I want to find some I.P. addresses.

    How would I find an IP from an e-mail
    Web-based e-mail services usually allow you to turn on 'full headers' or something along those lines; do this. Now on all e-mails you should get a load of SMTP headers at the top, and maybe a header named 'X-Originating-IP'. The SMTP headers will probably at the top have the sender's IP address, and the 'X-Originating-IP' header may also have this, but it's not reliable because it can be added by the client rather than the server.

    or a myspace account?
    Finding IP addresses from places such as forums and other interactive sites has been discussed too much here already; try searching the forum. One way is to set up a website and script to log all IP addresses.

    I'm not wanting to hack myspace, its a waste of time, I just want to learn a few basic things. I got to level 6 on I have a full version of Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2005, SQL server 2005, and also an iMac that runs Darwin UNIX.
    If you want to learn how the web works (and how it is vulnerable), I'd s***est ditching Windows and installing a *nix system along with Apache, MySQL and the PHP module or the Perl module. Most of the web runs on Apache (it is the best web server), and it's far better to learn on an open-source platform. Using IIS in my opinion is a waste of time.

    I also know an IP I want to "play with" and if anyone can help me would you please e-mail me at [email]AaronDavies0*@**********[/email], and please, don't give me a trojan or somthing.

    I'd prefer it if we kept all non-private discussions to the forum, so other members can read the discussion and not ask the same questions twice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    yeah i got confused on all the ip adress stuff too
    i heard telnetting is helpful but its quite confusing

    ok so if u want to make a fake login page, u use the source code
    plus some php and html programs
    now the part im confused about is where in the source code can u put in to mail the password given in the login page?

    once u ur done editing the source code and everything how do u actually look at ur site?
    i have the source code but then how do i like at what ive made?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous*2 View Post
    yeah i got confused on all the ip adress stuff too
    i heard telnetting is helpful but its quite confusing

    ok so if u want to make a fake login page, u use the source code
    plus some php and html programs
    now the part im confused about is where in the source code can u put in to mail the password given in the login page?
    For that you'd have to learn PHP, HTML and the other languages used.

    once u ur done editing the source code and everything how do u actually look at ur site?
    i have the source code but then how do i like at what ive made?
    You would host it on a PHP hosting service.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    hi all

    i got a question for anyone who knows.. how can you get another persons ip address from a game site? i know they have such persons in there called game site volunteers, which find ur ip address wht i want to know is how can a player in this game site have this option to view an ip also? is there a program?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    some php hostings are free right?

    and i do have some knowledge of php and html codes and languages
    such as <b>bold letters</b>

    or including a... <a href="http://www.**********/">website<a/>

    spacing.... &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    placing....<p align="center">placement of a word or sentence?</p>

    italics, font size, width and height, links to another page, images..pretty much all that

    i know this site wont reveal the affect of the codes
    but i just need to know on how to make the information given emailed to me when the person presses "login"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    use html forms
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous*2 View Post
    some php hostings are free right?

    and i do have some knowledge of php and html codes and languages
    such as <b>bold letters</b>

    or including a... <a href="http://www.**********/">website<a/>

    spacing.... &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    placing....<p align="center">placement of a word or sentence?</p>

    italics, font size, width and height, links to another page, images..pretty much all that
    It's a good start, but server-scripting is a lot different from HTML. Even HTML is getting replaced by newer languages these days; I recommend learning XHTML (strict, with application/xhtml+xml content-type header) these days.

    If that didn't make sense, there are two types of scripting for the web; browser-scripting and server-scripting. Browser scripts are run in your browser (one being HTML), and server scripts run on the server (one being PHP). Login pages such as that of Gmail, Hotmail or Myspace are made in browser scripts such as HTML, and when you enter your details and click send, the information is sent to the server where a server script processes it and logs you in. Forms are presented to the user in a browser script, then when they hit 'submit', the form sends that info to a server script. Two main components.

    i know this site wont reveal the affect of the codes
    but i just need to know on how to make the information given emailed to me when the person presses "login"
    See my original post:

    For that you'd have to learn PHP
    Also, learn about forms in HTML.

    There's two ways you can go in this; search the web for pre-made packs of fake login pages, or make your own. If you're going to make your own, learning is the only thing that can help. Sit down and read [url]www.w*[/url] for a couple of hours, then you'll know if you can handle fully grasping languages like we mentioned.
    Last edited by Ezekiel; 04-22-2007 at 05:20 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    how do u know so much about computers and programs and that?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous*2 View Post
    yeah i got confused on all the ip adress stuff too
    i heard telnetting is helpful but its quite confusing

    ok so if u want to make a fake login page, u use the source code
    plus some php and html programs
    now the part im confused about is where in the source code can u put in to mail the password given in the login page?

    once u ur done editing the source code and everything how do u actually look at ur site?
    i have the source code but then how do i like at what ive made?
    i would recomend that you learn the above langauges like he said put it this way would you rather have someone give you a step by step tutorial on how to use things like xhtml scripts/php etc... for something your trying to do then when you wanna do something else you have to get another tutorial because you didnt understand what you just did:? all you did was copycat what someone else did.. now if you learn how everything works scripting etc..

    then when ever you encounter a problem you can figure it out without spending countless hours searching for tuts...

    trust me its better off to spend those weeks and months learning rather then weeks and months for one tutorial so good luck

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous*2 View Post
    how do u know so much about computers and programs and that?
    I've been learning for nearly two years now, I suppose from programming tutorials, forums like this and trying stuff on my own computer -- I'm not a professional. Well, at least at the start this forum had some interesting discussion; now it's filled up with hack requests.

    I wouldn't call myself an expert; there are lots of people that have much more experience. Take a look at the forums of, and for example. My two years of tutorial-reading in my free time doesn't really compare with those that have many years of training.

    For programming languages, I'm more knowledgeable in PHP, XHTML, Javascript and CSS than any other languages. Oh yeah, and SQL if that counts. Average C++ programming and really basic shell scripting are the other skills I can claim.
    Last edited by Ezekiel; 04-28-2007 at 03:56 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    im so confused with the php and all that

    i get the hang out html and xhtml but php is just so confusing
    ive read some parts in the emailing part but first of all how do u make that work?
    where in the source code does the php go? or does it even go in the source code?

    im confused!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous*2 View Post
    im so confused with the php and all that

    i get the hang out html and xhtml but php is just so confusing
    ive read some parts in the emailing part but first of all how do u make that work?
    where in the source code does the php go? or does it even go in the source code?

    im confused!!!
    You've only been learning PHP for a few days, ofcourse it will seem really confusing right now..

    Just read some more tutorials, practice a lot, and hopefully in a month or two you'll know enough to create a fake login page

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous*2 View Post
    ive read some parts in the emailing part but first of all how do u make that work?
    where in the source code does the php go? or does it even go in the source code?
    To run PHP code, you first place your HTML/XHTML/CSS/Javascript code in a file ending with .php. Then, wherever you want to place PHP code, you enclose it like this:


    echo("This is PHP code");


    The PHP goes alongside the browser code such as HTML, and is placed between those tags.

    When the coding is done you host the file on a PHP web server, then browse to that page.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    but like how will it know that once u click on a certain tab, that it will send u that information

    doesnt it need to recognize what u need to click so it can send the email?

    like if u put the php code anywhere in the source code it wont know what u need to press to like send the information..
    dont u need to like clarify(somehow in the code) that when u press the "login" button, thats when it will sned u the email, or does it know by itself somehow?..(which i dont think so)

    thanks, even though i already know how to format php with the <?php and all that..either echo or print yeah i get that

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