Hello all!
A month ago this website I use was down for a few days. The owner contacted us saying they were "DDoSed". I knew nothing about the term so I googled it and read, and read and read and read. I became very interested and wanted to try "DoSing" someone myself, knowing one person can't do anything I figured 'hey, what's the harm?' So I downloaded a port scanner, and udp/syn/http flooder. I was very sure one person can't do anything to a website without a botnet or a group of people DoSing at the same time, but I was interested nonetheless. I figured I wouldn't be able to down a website but maybe bring a friend offline - I told him what I was going to do and he gave me his IP and I took a shot at it, failed. I knew I needed more people. That was the end of it for me, I forgot all about this and moved on with my life.
On monday, I was minding my own business on IRC and someone spoke of DoSing and I told him everything I knew because the guy was clueless lol, he had spoken of which port to attack with his SYN flooder to down a website and I told him it was wasting his time without a botnet. He obviously replied "HOW CAN I BOTNET LOL!" I told him a botnet was out of reach for him (I am sure they have to be created, not downloaded). So 20 minutes later someone I know and don't really like messaged me saying "botnets are possible faggot" and boom, I was offline. I netstat'd and I had a bunch of incoming SYN requests. I was being SYN flooded. So I got offline for a few hours. I was angrier than I'd ever been. I told some friends and they linked me this:
I did EVERYTHING that guide asked, and at the VERY end. TsunamiOverHost.exe wouldn't work. Scratch what I said earlier about being the angriest, NOW I was angry.
I seen a year+ old post on here where someone had a guide to a botnet with a bunch of dead links, so I decided to make my own thread.
I am interested in creating a Botnet. I need some help, I am not lazy and I'm willing to be patient, learn, and read. I will look myself if you provide me with a name of a program or something that will help me. I will work as hard as I can, I NEED to do this.
And before I start over on creating a botnet, is there anyway to carry on with what I've done? All I'm missing is TsunamiOverHost and it's like NOWHERE on the internet besides that website.
I am willing to paypal someone a few dollars if they'd like, for helping me of course.
I hope I put this in the right forum >.<
Thank you all, for helping a fellow human out ^.^