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Thread: Spytector problems setting up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Spytector problems setting up

    First off I want to explain where I'm at fully so anyone reading can understand me and hopefully point out my problem.

    -I downloaded the free trial of Spytector (just for testing purposes at the moment, though if I can get it to work I will buy it).
    -I setup an ftp account with free.prohosting.com and have logged in on Filezilla
    -I have my firewall turned off for testing

    Okay so the first problem is, when I use my ftp info to fill out the ftp settings it will say "ftp is not working" when I test it. Here is how I filled it out, maybe I did something wrong though I tried several variations of the same thing.

    FTP ADDRESS: ftp.jesterex.cloud.prohosting.com
    FTP USER: jesterex
    FTP PASS: *****
    and I have the "enable FTP" checked

    The emails however that I have setup supposedly are working but I don't receive anything after "building the server" and running the "server" on my computer. Also there is nothing in the log viewer.

    Am I missing something obvious or what, I'm getting confused over something that seems to be fairly simple. Any post on here or PM, Email, or even AIM would be awesome, thanks!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Drop the "ftp" in the address. Did you put a directory to upload to?
    ADDRESS: jesterex.cloud.prohosting.com
    FTP USER: jesterex
    FTP PASS: *****

    There could be a security program keeping it from installing (virus scanner/windows defender/adaware etc)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gordo View Post
    Drop the "ftp" in the address. Did you put a directory to upload to?
    ADDRESS: jesterex.cloud.prohosting.com
    FTP USER: jesterex
    FTP PASS: *****

    There could be a security program keeping it from installing (virus scanner/windows defender/adaware etc)
    I've tried that, and I left the directory blank, assuming it will just go to the root directory by default. I'll try turning off my virus scanner and see if anything different happens and post back after, thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hmm.. That didn't work, could have been the fact that my virus scanner (mccafee) would keep turning back on after a few minutes but i still don't think that was the issue. If anyone has aim that has the full version of this please IM me! I want to get the full version but at the same time I don't want to pay for it and not be able to get it to even work...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I believe spytector needs a directory. Just make a new folder, name it and upload it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gordo View Post
    I believe spytector needs a directory. Just make a new folder, name it and upload it.
    Nice, that helped, I made a new directory and it accepted it finally saying "ftp is working".

    It also finally recieved the test file that i'm suppose to get with a in it. I haven't recieved any keylogs yet though, and I have it sent to send me logs every 4000 bytes so I would assume it would have sent something by now... not sure whats wrong there unless maybe my virus scanner is getting in the way somehow. Any insight on this?

    Also i'm just curious at what point does anything show up in the "log viewer"? Or do i load the file I receive on my ftp onto spytector to read the log viewer? (is this even possible in the trial?)

    Thanks for the responses btw

    edit: Email actually worked this time too, all I received is the test file though- still no logs
    Last edited by jesterex; 10-24-2008 at 12:54 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Okay I just got it to work *00%, the problem was that my virus scanner was picking it up so I had to disable it completely and after that it worked fine. Hopefully that's no issue for the full version.

    Thanks for your help

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