Hi guys i wanted to make a tut a long time ago but ive ben lazzy !... srry though! anyways to start off with C++ u need a compiler i s***est Bloodshed-devC++ its beginner friendly now lets get started shall we... once u get the compiler u go to project - console app - and u wrote the following
NOTE : // is a comment , the compiler ignores it
#include<iostream> //preprocessor

using namespace std; //it declares cout and cin.. (explaining later on) 
                              //Some people use std:: instead 
                              // before each function examples comming later on

int main ()              // its where the code gets executed (the main function)
       cout<<"Hello World";  //it basicly prints Hello world to the screen
       cin.get();          // it prevents the program from crashing
the preprocessor declares functions used in later (ex:cout in this prog)
and using namespace std; kinda does the same thing but if u aint gonna put it the program will be written like this :

int main()
     std::cout<<"Hello World";   //just a short example
NOTE : Never forget the semicolon , This ";" is very important , it tells the compiler that the function ends there
and if ur gonna write multiple stuff on the screen use endl

using namespace std;

int main()
     cout<<"Hello World!" <<endl;    // means new line ...
     cout<<"Hello Again!" ;
Well thats it for now ... i'll be explaining more later on
and if u find any mistakes feel free to correct me :-)
hope u enjoyed it!

Happy programing!