I received offer from [url]http://windows7license.net[/url] can i buy Windows 7 ultimate at this price? help me, thanks!!!
I received offer from [url]http://windows7license.net[/url] can i buy Windows 7 ultimate at this price? help me, thanks!!!
Probably not...beware of scammers. If it is too good to be true, it probably is a scam.
If you're going to pay for it at all, you might as well pay full for the full version.
"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx
Yes. Beware of scammers, I think don't buy Windows 7 at any price. Try Ubuntu operating system.
It is really very user friendly, I am using it trust me really. You may be see many problems afterwords of Windows. Ubuntu is open source and free also.
It provide more security other then any Operating system.
[url=http://gamesbackup.co.uk/]iedge card[/url]
Buy it at full price. Have it forever=]